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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. Wow. Nice lot you got there...like another planet compared to the ghetto here lol. I remember playing baseball at Lewis Mills and it seemed like we were high up on a hill.
  2. I get that it just seems rare to have a snowpack that deep in a ratter
  3. I can't wrap my head around how you have a 14" pack but the season is a ratter lol. When does that ever happen? 79-80?
  4. Just sit back and wait for the inevitable rug pull at D5.
  5. It's definitely high in elevation. I think they are around 11 or 1200'
  6. Will it be right or will it be wrong? We just don't know
  7. I think that area got into a weenie mesoband. @SnowGoose69 mentioned it in the NYC thread like a month ago.
  8. What's funny is I would typically be the only spotter to report from Watertown but I guarantee I didn't bother submitting my total because I was so pissed. The 7" in Thomaston makes sense. I think I measured 6-7 and I lived in the part of Watertown close to Thomaston.
  9. Something has to break right but probably not this decade
  10. GFS is a lot more interesting than the Euro. 18z run has a threat on 2/27 that looks similar to the storm we just had.
  11. Fuck, I should have stayed in Arkansas
  12. Wow, I'm actually not far behind that's pretty rare.
  13. It handled it about as poorly as the GFS handled 1/11
  14. My favorite season. 83" at the old stomping grounds. Though I suspect it may have even been a bit more since 11 year old me didn't know about proper measuring procedures.
  15. No one in Watertown got 11.5" in Jan 2015. I can assure you that lol
  16. At least we can reminisce about the good old days:
  17. Well you're in Southbridge which is obviously a better place for winter anyway. I just can't get excited about pack. We don't really do snowpack here I have a southwest facing front yard with no trees. Where I grew up 8 miles north did it very well with dense forest surrounding the yard and about your elevation. I'm under 500' here.
  18. Most of my best winters were during college too...though my high school stretch was better than yours (05-09) we got shafted in 07-08 and 08-09 compared to CNE/NNE. Even the back half of 06-07 which had literally no snow until February really hit up north hard while we were pelted to death on V Day.
  19. It's pretty much over. It was way more frustrating than last winter in that we had opportunities wasted. Last winter it was flooding rain and warm for like two thirds of it. Yet I still got one great storm whereas this winter averaged like 1.2"/event to claw my way to Idk...23" which is 50% of climo.
  20. It wouldn't accrete efficiently anyway. Rates like that have too much latent heat release.
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