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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. How close was April '97 to beating December '92? I assume April '97 would be 2nd?
  2. Don't know what that second sentence means but, no need to be a smartass. I know it's from NOAA I guess what I meant to ask was what's the exact web address of this particular product? It's cool, I've never seen it before.
  3. Oh ok cool. We have tons of problems with the wind sensor at MKE. It's always going out and then winds go missing which is not good when an ob. is transmitting. I think it goes out because our winds are always shifting around with the lake breeze and whatnot.
  4. By who? Do you know one of the ASOS technicians?
  5. Crap, I took my snow tires off before I drove out here. Oops.
  6. Hey guys, I don't post much but just wanted to say hello since I just relocated from CT. I guess I'm officially a cheesehead.
  7. Really struggling to saturate here at BDL. Due north wind is draining down drier air from Mass and the RH has actually been decreasing lol.
  8. And it's all been luck until now. Caught in the race of up to down.

  9. The epitome of mediocrity.

  10. Is the big dog coming Thursday?

  11. Meteorology sucks

  12. I know none of you guys care but, this panel of the deformation band proves this was run right out of my basement. I am pretty stoked for this one, hardly ever am I in the JP zone. I'd pay a lot of $ for this run to verify. I know.
  13. I don't get quoted. I'm not smart enough or cool enough. That really hurts my ego.

  14. This forum is so "cliquey" and it's aggravating as hell.

  15. February has saved my winter.

  16. Meteorological winter begins tomorrow!

  17. Gloomy May days

  18. This ain't no '11-'12.

  19. Lol, Joe, it took me a second to realize who this was. I was like, "Sherman, CT....born in 1989..this sounds familiar..." :D

  20. I don't think I could have picked a better time to go to college and study atmospheric science.

  21. Down with the -PDO!

  22. This weather pattern is boring me to tears.

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