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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. Previous page, I'm washed up anyway. Not that I was ever any good. May need to join @George001 for therapy with @40/70 Benchmark
  2. Man, I try to quote a red tagger and use analysis but I guess I'm just too dumb. Even though we both went through the same sh*tty met program at a 5th tier school lmao
  3. Seems like elevation won't matter unless you're north of HFD. Euro 850s are toasty most of the event except the mid level stuff that develops which I'm guessing is overdone.
  4. If it's not just the sun what else is it?
  5. It's alright it will bring it back sometime around 144 hours but then it will trend into congrats NH/ME
  6. I think the angst comes from knowing how precarious the setup is and the propensity for the Euro to show a good solution around D4-5 only to pull the rug out. It seems to happen more often lately than it did in its heyday.
  7. What if I don't, are you going to start angrily charging up the Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike canines showing?
  8. It's weak, the airmass is marginal you're only snowing light to moderate so ratios would be terrible. Need something more dynamic like last night's Euro.
  9. I have a feeling it will wait until March to happen so we can freeze our asses off while hoping for a miracle bowling ball that won't work out except in high eles.
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