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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. That was probably a storm that had sleet. 06-07 and 07-08 had a lot of changeover events. You should make one of those GIFs of the last six cycles of the Euro so we can see how full on Ron Washington it's been.
  2. Not sure about temps...I know it was AN snow here. Perhaps Will has more insight? Maybe it's not a good analog seeing as that was a great winter.
  3. One more north tic and we're teetering with disaster like a 1-3" deal even along or slightly north of 84. I feel this could be the worst winter ever in my lifetime given that we had multiple chances to do a lot better but have come up virtually empty.
  4. No worries man, I greatly appreciate your insight. We're very lucky to have someone as knowledgeable as you on the board. I was kind of tongue in cheek about the word monitoring being bad luck lol. Thanks for the response.
  5. Agreed, a 3-5" type deal that doesn't melt the next day would be nice. I guess by the time that might happen we'll be battling sun angle.
  6. I've got no issue with Tip starting the next "threat thread" but for the love of God, start it with a different word from "Monitoring." We have like a half inch combined from the last two that started with that word
  7. Mutant Phase 8 swallows up the earth leaving only a strong Nino with a southern jet omega block pattern where we watch DC and Philly cash in for the rest of eternity.
  8. As in they're not a good chart or the projected outcome?
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