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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. Yeah what's up with that? I thought I was the only one who noticed that for a given 850 temp we seem to get warmer than we did 20 years ago. I was wondering if it has to do with ozone layer depletion?
  2. Rule of thumb is to always take the under when you're looking to mix down winds on WAA
  3. He was initially talking about how they need cold anomalies to snow down there but they're getting harder and harder to come by because of how expansive the warmer than normal anomalies have been: psuhoffman Posted 6 hours ago If you pull back and stop focusing on our locations specific snow chances the biggest issue I see is this… We need cold anomalies to snow. Our coldest day of the year has an avg high near 40. But if you simply look at a 5 or 10 day mean temp anomaly for the whole northern hemisphere the warm expanse outnumbers cold by 2 and sometimes 3-1 across the mid latitudes. We got lucky recently that one of the small (globally speaking) pockets of cold did end up over us for a week, but how often are we going to win if we need cold and 2/3 of the whole hemisphere is warm at any given time? Again, maybe this applies more to them than to us?
  4. From the Mid Atlantic December thread: psuhoffman Posted 5 hours ago It’s also worth pointing out that some have transitioned to rooting for EPO driven cold patterns because lately our more classical ways to snow have failed due to not being cold enough. But this last week was an example of the issue with that. EPO driven patterns are often dry when it’s cold. 2014 and 2015 were anomalies not normal. Looking at the 18z GFS it seems he is correct. Granted maybe it doesn't apply as much up here because of Miller Bs but those usually screw my area without blocking.
  5. Yeah, you're probably right. The EPS looks more like the GFS OP. Definitely higher heights than its own OP run. Do you think it's close the shades til after New Year's? That would line up with your outlook.
  6. GFS and Euro are vastly different beyond 12/15. They both have a chilly few days after next Wednesday's torch but the Euro insists on a -EPO with modest ridging in AK to help keep the cold air source close enough to prevent an all out torch. The GFS otoh has the dreaded GoA low and a strong SE ridge. It'll be interesting to see which one is closer to verifying.
  7. I want to be added as a water bottle
  8. Nice, I was just at the Wendy's on Queen St on my way home from BDL. It was snowing pretty good but it wasn't sticking to the pavement. I think my car said 34F. It probably was 33 as my old car doesn't register odd numbers usually lol.
  9. That's pretty weird that it took almost a whole extra hour for you to flip to snow there. I'm working at BDL and we flipped around 8:55.
  10. Good call, we just flipped to all snow at BDL. Still 37F though
  11. How are we going to cool though other than wet-bulbing? We're ripping a south wind.
  12. I'm sensing a bust in the lower terrain at least. It's still 41/26 at BDL and the 23z HRRR said it would be down to 36 at 00z.
  13. Oh ok, well initially we were only talking about appreciable snowfall prior to Christmas in CT outside of the NW Hills I guess. Whether or not that stayed on the ground until Christmas is different but either way we get a White Christmas at least some of the time. Certainly not as often as Worcester or NNE obviously.
  14. I'm just saying when you have a pattern that's a couple weeks colder than climo it's nice to cash in and we often did in the 2000s. Just had a rough stretch of Decembers in recent years which I'm starting to wonder if it has something to do with CC but you would probably have a better grasp on that since you have been following winter twice as long.
  15. It's roughly 1/3 for a White Christmas in the Hartford area. I wouldn't call that anywhere close to "99 out of 100" but whatever
  16. 99 times out of 100...yeah I don't think so man. I've lived here for 31 out of 33 years so no, I'm not new. I started following weather in 2000-01 and since then we've had appreciable snow prior to Christmas at least 7 or 8 times. Granted most of those were in the 2000s ('02, '03, '05, '07, '08 and '09) but yeah, you're exaggerating big time. It hasn't happened much recently.
  17. 00z GFS is brutal...almost entirely well above normal temps start at D5 with the exception of D11.
  18. You do realize who you're talking to/which thread this is, right?
  19. That's my all-time melt and the end of my potential forecasting career lol...how much did you get? 28"?
  20. OT but every time I look at your avatar I throw up in my mouth a little. That's Jan 2015 right?
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