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Everything posted by weatherjedi

  1. 16 inches of sleet and snow total in west Rockville
  2. He’s not in DC but Montgomery county 35 and rain snow mix in west rockville
  3. Here it is looks pretty accurate and a ton of snowfall Data https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/snowfall_v2/
  4. The gradient is quite stark even closer in. I’m in west Rockville and we had had probably 15-16 inches snow sleet with at least partial snow cover since late Jan.. IAD is 11.8 I think but DCA is still under 6!
  5. Yeah it had a narrow band of a foot ! 2part storm like this one maybe
  6. Where were you in Jan 2019? I believe that storm was around a foot for most of Moco..
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