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About svh19044

  • Birthday 03/11/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Horsham, PA

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  1. Every single storm there is, and for the most part, they can't get right more than 24 hours out (and most of the time they don't get it right within 24 hours), the forecast is dead nuts wrong. It's pathetic. Forecasting seemed to peak in the late 90's and it has been downhill ever since. The excuses that we make for our local "meteorologists" and vendors are astonishing.
  2. We are not the most active region at times, not do to forum members, but do to the WEATHER. 40's and clear for the next couple weeks. What exactly do people think we should be posting about that is weather related? We can have a bunch of dream threads like NY that never pan out, or we can do what we do...when there is an active threat, the forum comes alive. How is that a bad thing? For banter, there are other parts of this site. For Philly area specific WEATHER, this forum has been a godsend to many people (snow plowing and general work related...and school related if you count that one kid). Many of us browse this forum, and if there is an NYC merger, I guarantee those frequent members that browse are leaving the site for good. There is absolutely ZERO advantage to a merger, but the advantages of a Philly specific forum are countless. We don't have to sort through ridiculous threads, we don't have a million trolls, and we have our own weather. If the Philly specific forum gets boring, you can look at the weather in the NY forum, or any other forum.
  3. Do you get to sort through the members from NY who voted in this poll? Just kidding...
  4. 18:1 ratio's put it right at 9". Far west shouldn't get too windy so the ratio's should be at least 12:1. It's not likely, but also not out of the realm. His entire map is overblown, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility at this point. Higher numbers sell. And lets be honest, 9-14" forecast? If they get 7", he will still claim victory.
  5. 9" is completely plausible at this point (with support from the Euro and now the NAM). You will have to wait and see how windy it is though...
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