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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Yea and you guys have the most pontential to bust high. We know what is coming here but if we get snow from the coastal back here you probably get more from it unless the temps really do fail you.
  2. Final Call for Waves 1 and 2 combined. @daxx @pasnownut @Itstrainingtime@Blizzard of 93 @sauss06 @canderson @MAG5035 Bubbler @Cashtown_Coop @CarlislePaWx @paweather.......3-5" @Voyager.....2-4" @Wmsptwx @pawatch @2001kx....1-3"
  3. I was being a smart ass. FWIW, I love when you pass on Horst info. Climo there is a little different than here but not much and he keeps us grounded and I already have too many things going on to have to check yet another weather site.
  4. I hate to post them as I feel like I doing his job and taking away his steam. LOL
  5. @daxx, have the time today to do Euro PBO for 3 systems in the next 72 hours?
  6. Lots of wave confusion going on here...3 total waves in my eyes. The one approaching tonight that I see as minoring out as a coastal takes over and skirts East North East Friday night...then the third Wave later in the weekend.
  7. The Thursday night and Friday night waves were the one I was comparing as to how their impact was sort of Miller B like as the second wave robs the first waves energy a bit.
  8. Yea, it is the coastal I have been talking about with Dax re: what is and is not a Miller B and is the system affecting us tonight transfering much of its ooomph to the costal you are mentioning as late tomorrow night. That second system is a pontential moderate snow for youe Eastern guys.
  9. I Last summer I told my real estate agent "I like snow so find me something close to @Cashtown_Coop" and this year it has paid off even if the overall numbers are not spectacular right now.
  10. If that is the case I will add one additional accoumulation in honor of "The meaning behind Bubbler". @Boiling Springs High School 2-4"
  11. There is just no designation for something similar to the second Miller B (modified) but with the low coming from the TN Valley as opposed to the Ohio Valley and the screw zone being a bit farther east when a transfer takes place.
  12. Yea, that was why I said Hybrid...it is a very unique setup. That sharp cutoff to the moisture for say the intersection of 78 and 81 north east really suggests something other than simply dry air is stealing the energy. My defiinition of a Miller B has always been more that any given area that is seemingly going to get snow based on radar extropolation, then gets nothing as a transfer cuts off the conveyor belt, would qualify as a Miller B. We do not always have to get the screw job. Allentown can get screwed by if the same scenario happening but the coastal takes an eastern track out to sea vs. up the coast. The Icon's depiction though is neither. Everyone gets snow from wave A and or Wave B.
  13. Then again the Icon delays a coastal and actually brings decent snow to East Central PA Friday night. Going to be a tough forecast for NWS Met's. The icon is a weenie run. 12" + inches for many in Souhern and Eastern PA from 3 different and distinct waves from Friday to Sunday.
  14. NAM at 84 hours yells incoming for Sunday. One important difference between it and the GFS twins is that it is a few hundred miles east/faster with the SLP such as at 7AM on Sunday snow is already knocing on the door of Western PA where as the GFS is six hours later. Implications for extropolating but I usually do not do that.
  15. Also you had mentioned Miller B's earlier this week. The more I watch the NAM's evolution of Friday the more I see this being considered a type of Hybrid/Miller B vs. just simply a slug of moisture streaming over us. The coastal is really negatively affecting areas of East Central PA as to accums.
  16. The great thing about this map is that the GFS twins show little to now snow Friday sio this really is a foot of snow. GFS shows simlar but less generous. Not going to hug the GFS though as I threw it out for our Friday snow.
  17. Ha, thanks. In all fairness I was initially keying in on Wed for similar reasons as Friday...a slug of moisture meandering around the lower Tennessee valley/Southeast though the stuff yesterday and today was further south which helped lead to it never getting picked up. I am a tad surprised Friday has not been tracked more on this forum and why I posted a few “Hey, don’t forget Friday” posts earlier this week. . Maybe everyone is tired of these 2-4” events. Here is the Euro map from the MA and ironically it is flipped vs. my forecast. 2-4 for the Candersons and Blizz’s of the forum and 1-3 for Cash and I. Wonder how much, if any, is from the a coastal energizing it a bit.
  18. Going with the seasonal trends. Model wise, RGEM, HRDRPS, NAM, Icon all go 2" or more for us...I think EC was 1-2". So bumped it a bit. Biggest risk is the Dauphin and Cumberland county crew and also planning for it to start before sunrise and get the accumulations going. Threw the GFS out. Canada drops a quick 4-8" on you so if you know French now would be the time to use it! :-)
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