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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Yes, great news. Now if the nam come backs north in 90 min we are back in business with 6 plus for the lsv
  2. Euro seems similar to yesterday. Sitting at primanti Bros so so maybe someone can post the accum map.
  3. I was not trying to be negative just stating what the nam was showing. It is a let down for me personally if we end up with another sloppy 3 or 4".
  4. I used to consider it 4" or more but the plows come around even for 1-2" now so who knows. Here to hoping to we get more than a plowable snow tomorrow. LOL
  5. It was a few days ago but had gone to as long as a 15 hour event yesterday...just taking its time strolling over us with less than heavy snow.
  6. I would say it because the Nam's depiction is mostly light to moderate with not much forcing to add to rates. 12 hours of snow and snow maps only show 3-7" which means 1/2" hr rates....so a strung out period of light to moderate snow. If you look at the 3K Nam snow map you will see a lit of purple stripes where all the ridges are which is the model suggesting elevation event.
  7. One good thing is that a good bit of the snow comes late and after sundown. It has gone back again from a 15 hour event to more of a 10-12 hour one.
  8. The Euro had a bad year. Not as bad as the GFS in my opinion but I think "King Euro" is a questionable nickname.
  9. Yea, it does not scream go out and buy milk. Snow maps show 3-7" for LSV. Similar to the 6Z Euro but a bit less especially to the North of the Turnpike where gradient takes it down fast.
  10. Nam has the R/S line setting up just south of the Mason. Thermal profiles are really questionable and anyone could go to slop without intensity.
  11. On the 12Z Nam the snow start is much delayed vs. yesterday's NAM. No snow near the LSV at 7AM now.
  12. Yep, one of those situations where we get decent snow but it is a let down. With that said the cold air is pressing more so it will be potentially a tad colder if we get enough rates to get accumulations started. Kind of hard to be the jackpot on this one. Have to be near the boundary.
  13. Thanks, I guess I should have said 5-7" not 4-6" bit I saw the 3" marker over near Lancaster county so was smoothing it a bit. Either way it is Certainly a step down from the possibility of 6-12" just yesterday. Big NAM running coming up :-).
  14. Unfortunately that includes 1-3" (higher amounts east) from last nights snow so it is more of a 4-6" map.
  15. Really hope this trend of a weaker, slightly more south, slp is done trending for tomorrow.
  16. We ended up around 3" here. @daxx I hit the sack before that heavy band got overhead but Guessing it was snow based on the healthy totals this am.
  17. GFS and FV3 are both pretty "meh" for Sunday. Decent snow but a weaker system than the Nam or Euro so really just a continuation of our 2-6" type storms. Snow maps show 4-8ish but that includes 2-3 from tonight. Snow maps are garabage for this situation right now anyway. Anybody who is anybody just wants to see the R/S line 20 miles to the their south east.
  18. No doubt it just pressed a little south from 12 and 18Z and so did the Rgem. Just a model run. I find it more interesting when they are in it as it gives us more info with all the map posting there.
  19. Wow, the MA is winning the model wars this evening. Boundary pressing further south for Sunday and taking the heavier snows south with it. Still decent LSV but MA really gets back in the game. I think that is good as it keeps things interesting. LOL.
  20. It has been mostly snow here, maybe 75 percent with 25 percent rain, but the rates are slow light that it is just making a glaze. I am one 15 min mountain ride from being the Susq Valley.
  21. Your original post asked why the radar looked like CARP. LOL. I should not talk I have an issue with Chrome where it keeps turning off my spell check so I have to edit a lot of posts. Either the models are going to bust or that coastal is going to energize the radar starting in Maryland then heading Northeast over much of the LSV.
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