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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Did you know that Deleware is the flattest state, by elevation mean, in the US? :-)
  2. You know it is going to be a fun time when two stores, in the same fairly small town, prominently feature mushrooms on their buildings. The Mellow Mushroom is one and I forget the other one in downtown...looks like a place you would buy pot. But that Prairie I mentioned, Paynes Prairie, is truly a special place to go when it is nice out. Almost like an inland version of Assateague/Chinocteague. I doubt you will ever get a chance to stand so close to a 12-15 foot alligator. It is a bit flooded right now but the gator area is accessed from the Gainesville side of the Prairie.
  3. It is just that the same thing was said last year yet they went on to take part in arguably the biggest major US sports history. I think Duke, with Zion, has to be the favorite. Both Michigan schools are title contenders as well. I especially hate seeing MSU in the tourney.
  4. It is pretty bad and I think the biggest issue is when there is also smoke. If you are familar with the town of Gainesville, FL there is a Prairie (with wilds horses, Bison and where you can walk with the Alligators) just outside Gainesville so the fog is terriible there and in 2012 there was a forest fire near by which caused almost immediate white out conditions mixed with the fog Two cars wrecked and the incoming cars could not see it so they kept flying into the white out where they came upon more and more wrecks and wrecked themselves 11 people died...they intially thought it was only 10 but they found an 11th buried in the wreckage a day after the whole thing happened. Freaky to me...driving along at 80 and hitting a white out then next thing you know your car is reduced to a tin can. Fog is also terrible between Orlando and Tampa on route 4.
  5. I imagine. Plus SC is kind of nice some of the time! On a related subject the thing I noticed that is the biggest difference between Florida and this area of PA, outside the obvious weather, is the roads and drivers. Lots of slow drivers in Florida but when you get on I75 or I10, in the Western Half of the State, going 70 will see you get run over. 80-90 is the norm and I would guess that about 1 of every 20 cars is over 100. And those two specific roads are in so much better shape and wider than the 81's and 83's of around here. Lots of people around here are happy with going 65.
  6. Yea, it was a state wide "mean" thing. It dries off in much of Texas at times while in N Central Florida we would only see maybe 15-20 days a year that were not above 80% humidty at some point. I lived in Panama (the country) for 3 years and Florida, away from the coast, is worse. I have deep rooted disdain for Florida so will not go beyond this in lieu of not wanting to bring it out here. LOL.
  7. That is what my visitors to Florida would say 4/5 of the year. "How can you live in this jungle". Texas is not Florida (Texas is generally hotter but less humid) but same thought process.
  8. Will be interesting to see if the 12Z Euro holds to it's more northern trajectory of the wave tomorrow as everything else, except the Nam, has trended too far south and truly made it a non event.
  9. No access to the Euro Snow maps but the snow depth map goes up about 2" in the LSV tomorrow then shows some scattered ice in or near the LSV Saturday night and decent snows or ice in the NSV and north of the Lehigh Valley on Saturday night. The map below is after the LSV has turned to all rain.
  10. 0Z NAM is also full of colorful radar maps Sat night. PA Mish mash. Still rain in the LSV by but lots of ice in other areas including some of the NSV where it stays frozen the whole event @pawatch and @Wmsptwx
  11. I have not thrown up a snow map in ages! Nam twins for Friday...mostly non paved surfaces.
  12. Maybe @daxx can give full details but the limited Euro maps I see seem to show 1-3" over much of the LSV Friday (again, maybe not roads) then snow depth actually increases Saturday night/early Sunday AM. Not a lot but seems to suggest some snow to start the later weekend system.
  13. Wow, so you actually had accumulating snow on a day that the forecast said Mostly Sunny.
  14. I think WAA wins eventually it is just cutting so far West that some are still below freezing when the precip arrives.
  15. It is still mostly rain but we have had several of these systems start as frozen this year and some afternoon models show frozen Saturday night now. I doubt it is something we all stay up and watch for. And year it still gets into the 50's on Sunday. LOL.
  16. Outside of the potential Friday snow, the models have been trending toward a slightly colder solution for much of PA as it pertains to the first part of the Cutter low Saturday night. Something to keep an eye on.
  17. CXY is also reporting light snow. Point and click says Mostly Sunny though so pay no attention to that snow behind the curtain.
  18. What I just glanced at shows temps staying at or below freezing during the snowfall now...still an issue of most of it being during the day but could even see some slickness come into play Friday evening. Without daytime issues I would say the progs are mostly suggesting a 1-2" snowfall (LSV).
  19. CTP says not really at MDT. They only measured 11.9 last year. Lol. They seem to troll weather watchers.
  20. I have Prima Donna users who complain because I tell them to reboot their computers occasionally and your folks have no heat. LOL. Talk about different views on work life.
  21. I thought it funny thet Carlisle mentioned liking the cold less with age (I do as well, especially the wind as well as a wet/humid cold) as when it gets down to abnormally low temps he is seemingly invigorated post wise and has updates much more often!
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