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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Here is his page. Probably best to do whatever calms oneself before reading his tweets as any lack of patience or concentration and one loses train of thought and has to start over to figure out the riddle of his words meanings. https://twitter.com/antmasiello?lang=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-masiello-337b6b42/
  2. He tweets almost completely non comprehendable weather jargon that is posted on the MA long thread quite a bit. When I say non comprehendable that is not an insult vs. a suggestion that it is way over my head!
  3. Although he was on the ball with the November 2018 snow we got. I came on board with that storm just listening to his enthusiasm on here. I called it the Eskimo Joe Snow of 2018. But his posts on MA are more negative than positive now.
  4. Thats probably because their beer selection is top notch. Poor Weis. How are they still in business? They were the guy no one went to 20 years ago! Like Acme in the Philly area.
  5. On another person, does anyone know why Ian left American? Did he get his degree and move on to more important things? I have not seen him anywhere. Jerry is still here if anyone remembers him...in the NE sub forum.
  6. johnc1282 (and I am guessing at the number from memory) would wait for DT and other Mets, still not sure if DT is actually a Met though that is another story, to post opinions and predictions then he would post the same thing, using different verbiage from time to time, and add nothing to the convo. It went something like-Big Rains! No snows! Only top peak of Apps see snow! Big Rains for all here. LOL. I always enjoyed his funny commentary. I do remember Colin and did not think he was as bad as some MA weenies. Marcus was a big of a Debbie Downer from time to time as well. I think he started EUS just to have a place to bitch about weather.
  7. Yea, 1-2 a year is not a lot of Tornadoes when compared to a OK, TX, or KS type situation...or even the Southeast. I guess maybe the people mean to say they are surprised Lancaster county sees any tornadoes. On this whole subject I will say that the weather in the LSV is certainly more "on the edge" than some more commonly thought bombastic weather areas like the Southeast US. They get the occassional major flood or 'Cane but those usually affect small areas where as up here the wind, overly severe storms and moderate flooding is almost a yearly thing. I never once saw hail or a wind over 60MPH after spending 13 years in Florida but I will see that up here every year.
  8. The areas to the east and south east of MDT are famous for tornadoes even outside the general area (and sink holes). I have spoken to people from other parts of the country that heard Lancaster County and mentioned they hear there are a lot of tornadoes there. Stats show it is 1-2 a year so their reputation may be larger than the actual results.
  9. Just saw the EPS snow map and it is snow on that control run but I agree that cold air is an issue for anything not intense enough to pull its own down from the North East.
  10. I just mentioend it because our two American models had all of the LSV staying below 50 today so yesterdays EC bust turned into an American one today though not sure what the EC had for today. Someone posted a coastal in the MA fourm from the EPS Control!
  11. That is kind of why I noticed the high temps especially the West Shore near Harrisburg. I walked out this afternoon over here and noticed how much cooler it was than yesterday so I expected to see similar or lower temps over in Harrisburg and am seeing Weather Underground reports of 57-60. A day late for the Euro's liking. Its only 52 here right now.
  12. Most of the higher temps are West of the Susq but a Hershey ob of 59 is the highest. GFS and NAM both had everyone staying 50 or below. Edit-I would never say anything about a 5 degree bust but when the temps are more than 5 degrees over forecast, area wide, I thought it worth mentioning after the bust yesterday. That Hershey OB just punched 60.
  13. Another day, another temp bust as I see readings already in the upper 50's (on the Wundermap) around the LSV area.
  14. FV3 phases the streams as well but a bit late for this area...but has a similar idea.
  15. Yea, just looked and it did have a better forecast Thursday and Friday (for today).
  16. Did not look at the EC but the Icon, Canadian, and GFS have 55-65 next Thursday and 60-70 on Friday then FV3 and Canadian are closes to coastals on the 18th-20th.
  17. The problem with giving the GFS credit is that it showed you in the mid to upper 50's for today on yesterday's 12Z run.
  18. 58 here now but just checked the Wundermap and other than a few mid 50's, LSV holding on to its inversion/CAD and most mid 40's north and 45-50 south. Maybe another hour of sun heating but seems a safe bet no one in the LSV gets up to 58. You climbing 6 in the next hour would seem like a lot. A Bubbler Blunder thinking York and Lancaster would make it.
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