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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Too bad we could not time these temps with some qpf....before we move on to worrying about spf.
  2. 38 here at 1PM with full sunshine...on April 1. That is an impressive stat.
  3. Your riches made the Harrisburg Patriot News Feed https://www.pennlive.com/weather/2019/04/snow-falls-in-some-parts-of-pa-on-first-day-of-april.html
  4. On Tuesday evening the Nam and RGEM gets precip from the coastal into the LSV now...thickness not there and low intensity but close to some flakes.
  5. I like cold....hate the wind. Would rather deal with 10 and no wind vs. 40 and 35MPH gusts.
  6. Brutal outside right now. 39 with 35MPH gusts....mid 20's wind chills.
  7. A whole bunch of whipped cream on the cherry blossoms. Too fun not to post this from the 18Z FV3
  8. One thing that continues to cause confusion are the TT snowfall maps. On the other board I keep seeing references to big snows in GA when in reality it is the TT snow fall map showing incorrect actual weather due to mixing or some type of issue with the calculation within those maps. I do not see any models showing accumulating snow in GA.
  9. Yea, the Sunday thing is a non event I just chuckled because you said you may need A/C Sunday and I was thinking it may not break 55 and then drop.
  10. You actually might see some snow on Sunday! LOL. The non accumulating type.
  11. The low is there on every piece of guidance I just looked at including the EC. Just wide right on all the op's with nothing to block or capture it. FV3 advertises some downright bone chilling temps in mid April. Lows around 20.
  12. GFS is really trying to give us snow next week. Close on the 0Z. A bit farther OTS on the 6Z but still there. There is not much cold air around so the system would have to produce its own through intensity and hopefully happening at night.
  13. Made it to 27 here. Not too shaby for late March though the forecast was for 23.
  14. And there is a MA thread on it so it must be real. Hard to get up for tracking again but thanks for keeping us sharp on this one Blizz.
  15. The local post office employee I spoke with said someone fell but did not have word if they survived. Nothing in the news. I guess it is getting so common that it does not merit news anymore. It was actually safer up there in the early 1900's, when they had a viewing tower, than it is now.
  16. I am not sure and was just making an educated guess based on what I saw. About a dozen rescue vehicles and large search lights up there so something happened and it was right as the sun set when many are up there. If it was just a normal emergency I doubt a dozen fire trucks and ambulances go up there. I live just to the north of the rock just over the PA line and the rescue vehicles came from both PA and MD. You could see them all make a beeline for the rock (or at least an area very near it) since there are no leaves on the trees yet. Seems like this happens once or twice a year.
  17. I think someone just fell off High Rock for you N. Md folks that can see it.
  18. Back in the saddle in Rouzerville after a 70 hour work week in Florida (and no time to do much on here). Snowing here now and had some light accums last night. Bring it on.
  19. I personally do think next week is our best chance. The surface is torching this week so if a coastal just grazes us and throws precip back over the area it is going to be rain. We need a coastal tucked in the Southern DelMarVa and bombing out to bring cold down the backside into the N/W Deform zone. Take the FV3 at hour 90 (6Z run) and notice how it actually tries to form a feeder band over us at the last moment when interacting with the front coming from the West. However it is 40 degrees.
  20. We ended up with a dusting on colder surfaces. Too warm for the pavement. Looks like some snow in Cumberland county right now...if reading the ground.
  21. Yea, just had to post something other than my temp for the day. LOL. But there is no way I would rule out snow for anyone in the LSV and southern tier.
  22. Not a lot going on right now but clipper radar looks betetr than progged though I did not check what is and is not reaching the ground.
  23. My worry with the clipper is that it has been mostly a GFS thing and we all have our opinion on models but the GFS in my eyes has been abhorrent as of late including several consective days of temp busts. So hard to trust where the stripe of snow, if any, may be. The temps seem so marginal so I am not sure it can lay on the roads even at night without better rates than being depicted Late week just does not have any a lot of surface cold air to work so need a monster creating its own for snow in South PA even if it comes a little closer.
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