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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. That map is over stated for south east Franklin county. We are lucky if we have had 1/100th of an inch. That is a ton of rain up there though!
  2. I missed it while putting on my sun screen. Nice partly cloudy day here.
  3. At least they finally dropped the Flood Watch. Funny how many are so keyed in on winter failures and WSW's that produce no snow but during our 48-60 hour flood watch we (at my locale) received a few traces of rain and a lot of sun. 40's this weekend in Northern PA (again!)
  4. So basically you are hiring 16 gypsies to predict how nice it will feel?
  5. I think we will get ours this afternoon but outside a specific small area I would be surprised if it was substantial enough to cause anything except road flooding.
  6. The GFS (formerly the FV3 I guess at this point? Have not been following if it is really on yet) really does not have that much rain until late week. I guess some areas NE of Harrisburg get decent amounts but the LSV and S/W looks like about 1" total before Friday.
  7. Rain seems to really be concentrating on northern half of PA. We got a trace yesterday.
  8. I have seen you guys posting about rain the last few months and it is so dry over here. I would almost say were were starting to get a mini drought before yesterdays rain. Unofficially, because I use a yard rain gauge, we have not even broken 1" this month. Needed yesterdays rain just to keep our grass going. It looked freshly mowed 5 days after doing it. A fairly incredible 51 degrees right now.
  9. I took the averages off the seatemperature.org site but they do show them as a whole month vs. daily so it could certainly be different late June vs. mid June. We got some rumbles back here but not a lot of storms. Rain was very beneficial. Grass was dying.
  10. The waters temp at Ocean City, NJ is 65 and OC, MD 67 right now. About 3 degrees below normal for both.
  11. Someone around here may not break 70 tomorrow under full sunshine. No way to run a summer. LOL.
  12. 72 in the house when I woke up....opened the doors and down to 68! Electric company is crying the blues.
  13. Definitely one of the best starts to summer I can remember. I was in Florida last week and despite it being in the mid 90's it was a "cool" mid 90's with 30-40% humidity. Summer is almost 1/6 over with no summer weather.
  14. This picture from the Patriot (near Denver, PA) has everything except the witch and the little dog. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/06/another-pa-tornado-confirmed-in-year-seeing-three-times-norm.html
  15. Enough hail here to cover the mulch. Out performed some of our winters storms.
  16. Low's in the 30's for Northern parts of PA Monday night.
  17. Amid all this storm talk...lows in the 40's next week!
  18. Looks like DC "stole our thunder" as to today's storms.
  19. Up to 83 here so heat is not an issue. Line is not far away but heavy rain wise it is not that impressive yet. Actually quite dry here so the rain will be welcome.
  20. Thanks for keeping us sharp on this. Frankly I sort of over looked tomorrow as a typical after t-storm today so good to know we need to keep an eye on it.
  21. It is STILL fairly crisp. Less sun and definitely feels colder than yesterday. House temp is down to 62. Might have to fire up the heat!
  22. VERY tropical like radar presentation yesterday as to the training of lines (vs. training of specific storms) over the same areas repeatedly. Similar to feeder bands. Now tomorrow is going to be one of the nicest days we see for a long time!
  23. Our first 90 degree day of 2019 here. Today will be one of the warmer days of the whole year.
  24. That is my mantra after June 21. The Sun gets lower and lower every day!
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