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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Are those the doors that swing open anytime someone German walks near by?
  2. As long as it stays below 75 then I count that as Summer over! :-)
  3. The Wundermap is showing several city reporting stations in the 90's right now. 7-10 degrees higher than forecast.
  4. I did not look at precip but the waterways over here really need it so very welcome. That would be a raw Tuesday!
  5. I just looked at the 12Z Euro on an El-Cheapo model site, for this time next week, and temps in the 40's (actually low 50's, my mistake) mid afternoon. Edit-Here is what happens to Summer after tomorrow:
  6. When I want a quick look at trends without having to scroll through models I look at the Accuweather month long Outlook, which I think is just the GFS in graphic format, and it indeed does advertise that anything resembling Summer weather is done for the year tomorrow.
  7. Lets hope the whole forum gets some showers this week. Tired of watering. LOL. Plus it is costing me as we are on city water. Some 6-7 weeks now with only 1/2" of rain.
  8. Well a drought has been officially declared for a small, far south east portion of this forum. I was so used to everyone saying how wet it was I wonder the last time an official drought has been in place? Next map comes out in a week and I am guessing much of the LSV will officially be in a drought.
  9. Looks like some appreciable rains for parts of the LSV right now. Missed us here but seeing some yellows south of Harrisburg.
  10. I think one thing that is making this seem worse is that it is still growing season albeit the end of it. All of our veggies need watered every day at this point (the cool/DRY weather is actually exacerbating the situation) and I have had to cancel my plans to plant grass this fall. Mid to late October is too late...now was the time. The ponds and lakes near me seem normal so this drought is not a severe one just an inconvenient one.
  11. The rain just moved through here....never got the pavement wet. I see MDT got about 1" of rain Sept 2nd but this area did not get that large of a benefit and my closest trusted observer, next street over, is at about 1/2" for the whole month.
  12. Some are now in the abnormal area....our great wet hope is Monday otherwise we are officially going into a drought. Northeast Early-week heat (temperatures as high as the lower 90s) and locally acute short-term rainfall deficits (30-day rainfall totaling 10 to 25 percent of normal) led to the expansion of D0 (Abnormal Dryness) across West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, as well as southeastern Pennsylvania and the southern two-thirds of New Jersey. Similar pockets of Abnormal Dryness were noted in southern New England.
  13. The US map does not officially put us in any of the drought categories but if we get little to no rain the next couple weeks I bet we get lit up with some pretty fall colors on that map....maybe even D1. Northeast Light showers dropped 0.5-1.5 inches of rain across northern sections of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Although offshore in the Atlantic Ocean, Dorian came close enough to far eastern Maine that 1.5-4 inches of rain accumulated. Elsewhere, it was mostly dry across the Northeast. The small D0 areas in upstate New York and New England remained unchanged as this week’s light rain were not enough for removal, but great enough (including last week’s higher rainfall) to prevent expansion. Farther south, however, conditions have recently been drier in the mid-Atlantic and central Appalachians with slightly above-normal temperatures (1-3 degs F). As a result, between 50-75% of normal precipitation has fallen during the past 60-days, accumulating deficits of 2-4 inches. For the week ending Sep. 8, 33, 63 and 74% of the topsoil moisture in West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, respectively, was rated short to very short, according to the USDA. Therefore, D0 was added to the Delmarva Peninsula, and expanded in southern West Virginia.
  14. Drought. Wanted to plant grass seed but cannot do it with this pig of a weather pattern and no irrigation system.
  15. Just saw you have a TS Warning...looks like it is not going to be too bad but hopefully you are leaving early and miss most of the heavy rain. Main shield just heading in right now.
  16. It is the 1 or 2 week power outages which cause the most non land falling harm in my opinion. I know people of yesteryear used to wear clothes from head to toe, in Florida, and somehow deal with it but after being used to AC and running water having neither for 1-2 weeks is worth wish casting "Canes away!
  17. Dorian Update-Taking care of whiners. (Apologies if this was already posted).
  18. This is spot on. Disney is being taken out to the woodshed with their star wars land not doing anything near what they expected. To counter it a bit I would be afraid to tell anyone the coast is clear right now either. I was supposed to go to the billmar earlier next week but pulled out myself. Should be some good deals for last minutes deals that locals can snag.
  19. I do not wish pain for Florida but maybe it would stop a few of these 'the icon is crap' posts. Especially embarrassing from a red tagger.
  20. I was in Florida for Matthew, about 40 miles inland, and we had nothing more than a few sprinkles. An east coast grazer will cause damage right on the coast of Florida but is a non event for most of the peninsula. Man, if the Euro is right there is a chance for more than rain here. If Dorian starts meandering up the coast and maintains intensity it could be pulled in just like any other low in the winter. Phase and Susq. Valley is getting a Hurricane. Rehoboth Beach is no picnic either. Today's models have really sent the alert out to the whole eastern seaboard up into Nova Scotia.
  21. Here I am watching Dorian model runs for all the vested Florida interests I have and suddenly there is a better than slight chance that THIS sub forum gets worse effects than Florida...an actual chance to talk about the slight possibility of a trough capturing Dorian and pulling it into the Chesapeake or a bit farther north.
  22. Thanks. Glad you and most of the rest of the gang is still here. I tend to not post so much during the winter. Trying to keep up takes a lot of time.
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