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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Happy Thanksgiving. We have had a gust to 46 so far. That is higher than anytime during the great wind storm of 2019 last winter. Looking for some decent snow showers out here today.
  2. Having the nam on board makes me think our first travellers advisory (go old school) of the year is on tap sat nite.
  3. Along the themes of a PBP, the EC continues the theme of Saturday being totally dry to the point that even night is fairly dry but nice area of mix/frz Sunday morning
  4. Nam is suggesting Saturday daytime will just be dry now. This whole thing is slowing down.
  5. Another year, more model qpf differences. LOL. Here is the Pivotal EC Accumulated Snow map. EDIT-Just noticed you were posting ensembles, my mistake.
  6. All that digital snow is gone 6 hours later. The models continue to drive the ULL too far north ...central VA is not good enough for at least the southern 2/3 of PA with these much above normal temps in place plus it places the developing coastal too far north. We need a Carolina Cruiser of a low to cause a real vacuum to suck in cold air fast after the WAA or most here will just see rain Sunday. Not much rain at that.
  7. When I checked the Roomba was sleeping and the cat was cleaning up so you are running a tight ship there.
  8. Yea, those things are great being hooked to the internet and all. I just checked your thermostat also and it is on 71 now! :-).
  9. I like weather extremes good or bad but it feels great honestly About to turn the A/C on as it is up into the 70's in the house. LOL
  10. Snow wise it was a tears and sobs Waaaahhhh. A little icy at one point but a general cold rain storm. UL low traverses the area too far north for the questionable conditions.
  11. Upcoming is the most important run of the EC in two seasons! Is this going to be a deform and/or WAA weekend or will it end up being a WAAAHHH weekend for snow lovers?
  12. And as if the EC reads the forums it brings some here a front end thump this weekend. More to the Northeast after this map.
  13. As I listen to my neighbor mowing his grass I cannot help but hope the EC soon switches tunes and shows some real winter weather in the long range. I see some chilly temps but no real storm threats as the persistent weakness in the atmosphere continues to go back to our west allowing storms to track through the Midwest up into Canada or reform on the coast too far north for our liking.
  14. Here as well so you are not alone. It is pouring rain and we are up at 800' while the valleys to my east are accumulating snow.
  15. Yep. Some. A little sleet or Freezing rain in N Central PA but closest snow is up in the Lakes. Here is GFS 12Z total QPF through Sunday Am.
  16. I just peeked at 12Z and not good for anything close to snow anymore...trends have been further to the west and north with the track before any redevelopment. This may have been our last chance of any Pre Winter (Met Winter) area wide accumulating snows. Actually looks toasty next week possibly pushing 60 (did not check EC).
  17. Saturday bears some watching. Air mass is probably not cold enough for a big one but the track is pretty decent. If we can get that Miss. Valley low to minor out a bit earlier, allowing a coastal to form a little south and east of the GFS prog, it could be a wintry day.
  18. We ended up with about 1/4" in some spots before the blowing started. Actually saw excessive snow blowing off roofs. Unexpectedly wintry scene.
  19. Going with first accum of the year...about 1/10" on decks, roofs, and mulch :-). Sn+. I may be out in front of @Cashtown_Coop for the moment.
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