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Posts posted by Bubbler86

  1. 1 minute ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    If that is still being depicted on Friday I might become mildly interested...until then, meh. The GFS in particular has teased us more times then can be counted. 

    I totally agree with that assertion but I thought it was something to point out since all the models have some energy ejecting out toward us...just varying degrees of umphf.  

  2. 18 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    I only included that statement for emphasis. :) 

    I know it's going to get cooler this coming weekend...I highly doubt we see snow down here. 

    We better get get 4" or so in the next month otherwise all the hub bub over whether us ranking as the third lowest met winter snow means anything will all go by the wayside when we end up with the lowest full winter "season" snowfall in history at MDT.



  3. 4 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:


    I'm currently 3 degrees cooler than Orlando...it's overcast down there right now, I believe I have a puncher's chance of exceeding Orlando's high today on March 9th.

    The winter of 2019/2020 lives on! 

    Go with met winter and call it over...cut the bait....limit your losses...


    Oh and don't look at the snow mentioned in the NWS Zones for Sunday.

  4. 1 minute ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    Hmm, didn't realize that. You might not even need your AC on today. :lol:

    My A/C is covered so I better not turn it on!   I bet we get between 65 and 70 but probably not over 70.  Only got into the 50's here yesterday and I went up about 800 more feet and it was still in the low 50's mid afternoon.  Doors are open though so the fresh air is coming in. 

  5. Just now, Itstrainingtime said:

    At this point 70 here is a virtual lock...I'm up to 65.4 and rising quickly. 

    These are those types of days where we will not get as high as the LSV due to elevation.  It's only 57 here.   Out here has been such a frying pan the last two years because of the parade of lows going to our west.



  6. 5 hours ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    I'm with you 100%. 

    Having said that, and this has been debated here and other places for a long time - I respect those that do. I might not share that passion with them BUT I understand it all the same. For a person who is a weather enthusiast and not just about snow, it's certainly interesting and fascinating to watch unfold. And I'm equally 100% sure that no severe weather enthusiast ever wishes death and destruction upon people...but it's a sad reality of nature at it's fiercest. 

    Another tough fact is that we as a nation/race make movies and shows that highlight and sensationalize  the risks and downfalls of severe weather, banks being robbed, earthquakes, etc....and the profits from those ventures go to peoples pockets.  So our kids, and our parents kids and really anyone since the 1960's have been desensitized to the terror of being killed by a tornado or washed away by a surge.   So I think it is tough to be hard on weather enthusiasts when a large chunk of our entertainment economy is based on disasters. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Blizzard of 93 said:

    Hopefully we will all live many years to tell the tale of the 2020 Great Winter Saving Blizzard that hits us on March 18th.

    The models should start to lock in on it tomorrow. It will be a Widespread 18 to 28 inch storm from DC to NYC, but will miss New England (I don’t like the Pats & Celtics      so much...).

    It will stretch back to the I-99 corridor to get @MAG5035 closer to his seasonal average. Plus, for selfish reasons, I want him hit with the storm so we get his full detailed analysis in all of its glory.

    It will particularly nail the he LSV so much so that @Itstrainingtime will have to actually turn his heat on from the frigid temps that accompany the blowing & drifting snow for 3 days.

    Our friend @pasnownut will be able to snowmobile through the fields & streets of Lancaster County. 

    A CTP wide Winter Storm Warning for 8 to 14 inches will be upgraded during the morning of the storm to a Blizzard Warning for 18 to 28 inches of snow.

    Despite the Warning & the radar lit up like a Christmas tree with a solid heavy precip shield stretching from Louisiana to West Virginia, our buddy @canderson will be more concerned about the trees on Front Street in Harrisburg than the snow. He will boldly proclaim that he bets MDT won’t get more than 6 inches of snow.

    Unfortunately @Bubbler86 will be in Florida during the storm, but he will still be wondering why CTP won’t count the storm total for the Winter instead of the season.

    @Voyager will also miss out on the storm due to the Tamaqua snow shield that must be the equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle.

    Somehow @Cashtown_Coop will be the jackpot winner and will report a final snow total of 32 inches.

    I’m sure that there will be many more stories to follow with this legendary event to come.

    Please add your thoughts because I know that I left many out of this tale for now, but we have 17 days until the event unfolds...

    If Friday or after I will be back Thursday night :-).  @Cashtown_Coop is the guy who will be in Florida.


    Edit-Just saw this is a 17 day forecast.  LOL.







  8. 5 hours ago, MAG5035 said:

    I had about 1.6" in the last few days of snow showers, but definitely not on the ground all at once. That brings my season to 15.5" to date. To put that in perspective for around here I still need about 6-10" to GET to the levels of the other recent junk winters of note. Those season totals I have up from the last two winters (54.6" and 52.2") are both roughly average winters for this particular location. This one's the worst I've seen personally.. I've never seen a bad winter not have at least one decent event. There's still time for that to change obviously but the recent three bad ones (01-02, 11-12, 15-16) had the bigger event before March.  Since back here technically requires 3" of snow to verify an advisory (non-ice), I haven't had one of those up through today this winter. That's insane. 

    It has been so bad that I think we have to chalk it up to coincidental/perfect storm situations that led to it.  Taking the Met Winter totals into consideration the statement that stands out most to me is that although this is the third worst snowfall total winter ever at MDT (recorded history) there is no one alive that experienced #'s 1 and 2 so Its the lowest MDT Winter snowfall anyone alive has ever experienced and probably ever will experience.



  9. 27 minutes ago, Blizzard of 93 said:

    No, the CTP comment is just for Met Winter, Not the season.

    The full season is All snow from Fall 2019 to Spring of 2020.

    No one, including CTP, is done counting snow for this season yet.


    That is what I said, winter.  Up until this winter I did not know they even kept that stat but its in the books.  MDT officially had its 3rd worst snow showing.   Pennlive is even running a story on it (printed three weeks ago).  Ironically of the top 5 worst winter snow totals only 1 ended up being top 5 worst snow totals for all months though I did not look to see if November or Mar/Apr helped the other years.

    Edit-Somehow MDT got up to 36 yesterday.  Staying below freezing in many local spots I thought yesterday would have been the one to break the 35 string at the airport. 



  10. 2 hours ago, pawatch said:

    Winter (Dec. 2019-Feb. 2020) Climate Summary Williamsport @flyIPT •Tied for 8th warmest 33.6°F •11th least snowiest (10.2") •Tied for 4th warmest minimum temp (8°) •Tied for 3rd warmest lowest max temp (26°) #PAwx pic.twitter.com/x8ygxTooDT


    Winter (Dec. 2019-Feb. 2020) Climate Summary Harrisburg @FlyHIA •6th warmest 37.4°F •3rd least snowiest (5.1") •Tied for 2nd warmest minimum temp (14°) •Tied for warmest lowest max temp (30°) on record #PAwx pic.twitter.com/umwClGMfHh




    So they really are throwing down the gauntlet and recording this as the third least snowiest winter regardless of March.    Average of 30 for a low is indeed a really "warm" stat.  

  11. Just now, Cashtown_Coop said:

    I’m def worried about flying and the corona virus.  Kinda sucks because we already purchased the tickets.   Guess we’ll see how bad the panic gets 

    I am going to wear thin winter gloves to help remind me not to touch my face.  I do not think you should cancel just be careful.  

    • Thanks 1
  12. Just now, Cashtown_Coop said:

    Spending a week at Indian Rocks Beach.   Have a house rented.   Should be a good time to get away from this awful winter and eat some fresh seafood and catch some sun

    I love that area.  When I lived in Florida we would go to Belleair Beach a lot...just above Indian Rocks.  The West Coast is the good coast!  LOL.  Supposed to be plenty hot as well...at least the start of your trip.  Up near 90.  


    I am prepared to drive home end of week if I have to avoid airports by that time. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Cashtown_Coop said:

    Im headed to Florida from March 4th through the 9th.   I was figuring that this would be the period we would get snow since I’d be out of town. But with this winter, it just doesn’t want to snow.   I could have planned my trip anytime 

    Where are you going in Florida?  I am going down next week as well and the biggest risk right now is not snow it is Corona.  Panic may ensue soon.

  14. Just now, Blizzard of 93 said:

    I don’t think we are done. There are threats popping up starting later this week & beyond.

    For Example, I just posted last nights Euro for the chance later next week.

    I think that we will get at least 1 minor to moderate snow event before we close the shop for the season.

    Most winters/early springs I would totally agree but hard to assume as such this year.  But not punting the chance.  I have punted there being a long period of cold and blowing snow anytime until next Winter.  If we get snow I think its going to be a slop fest. 

  15. 8 hours ago, canderson said:

    Saturday morning is probably going to be the last coldest one we see this season. Looks balmy and then back to normal for March. 

    How dare you ignore the March 12th snow storm on the 6Z GFS? This year I always have to give the time stamp because its usually gone 6 hours later. 

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, Itstrainingtime said:


    Between my drive to work and the death band that came through here a while ago I'm probably up to about 255 snowflakes today. 

    Bubbler, sounds like you're rapidly approaching measurable! 

    LOL, its just random flakes sticking to the ice.   Every now and then the snow bursts up to sn ----  (minus, minus, minus)  but is mostly just occasionally flurries.  

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