I am assuming tomorrow is just a wet road day though wgal did fly the Canderson flags and say Sun and Mon will be 2 of the windiest days the LSV has seen in years. The actually have Mon as a travel impact day due to winds.
The thing, there is a slug of moisture on most globals and it minors out as it comes under us leaving us to hope for an intensification like you suggested.
For tomorrow, 3K fell more in line with other meso's with 1-3" in the middle and Northern parks of the LSV. 12K as well. 12K moved the "fall line" for snow north about 1/2 county across the board due to dry slotting. 12K has a jackpot of 2-4" NE of Harrisburg closer to Accuchris and paweather.
That is the info I personally like to see. Gives us an idea of where the margins are coming from. An exciting number in my opinion though still definitely cause for restrain.
No one could give you an accurate call on that but meso's have temps in the mid 30's by that point. They did over state high temps a bit last time we had an ice type storm.