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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. If you look at Miller maps on the internet, people try to put every conceivable low track into a Miller A or Miller B. The only real difference is that Miller A's do not transfer. But some people have Gulf Lows as Miller A's and some depict clippers turning into Miller A's. It's a very messed up classification system. LOL.
  2. The final snow maps are not as impressive as the surface depiction showed. But a progression like it showed could be a 6+ for some especially southern LSV.
  3. The "weaker" more westerly of the double low still produces a comma head over us. Not something I want to bet on happening.
  4. Miller G. Transfers from Georgia. But the western precip blob just keeps on, keeping on....so a soft transfer. Weak double barrel situation.
  5. Nam 3K down in Central Alabama at 57. A decent jog south from 6Z. But heads for WV at 60.
  6. With no nam yet, I looked at the Fv3. A bit west compared to some others. .
  7. Just noticed the GFS is also stuck on Pivotal (6Z)
  8. It's also messed up on TT. Has 32 and 36 skipping some others. That is not normal.
  9. 18-20 hours now from what I read. Some drivers struck there the whole time.
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