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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Sure. Bring two bitcoin. One for me and my help and one for the card purchase. Surely you can spare just two of them to get 100 Amazon bucks back.
  2. I will sponsor helping someone buy one. Bring your CC and I will send the steps.
  3. Just wait until 4:55 then bid....I mean guess higher than anyone else.
  4. Yes, that trend on the HRRR this AM is still in play and adjusting. Its on many of the models right now. HRRR has snow reaching NY by 7PM (instead of NJ).
  5. Yep. At least based on trends right now. Atomic is getting more and more love too. (He will take that to mean something other than snow)
  6. Makes sense. The West Central Area is getting more and more "in the game" as time goes on.
  7. 4.1" with a total qpf of .33 (Corrected to .33 at 12:47PM)
  8. Well I am buying, RAP it up and put it in a bag for me to take home.
  9. Nice way to get the mod's to notice someone who is popular and getting likes!
  10. That is about how long it takes to get a rental car when coming into BWI.
  11. HRRR has it racing eastward but more in a Northerly fashion. No snow in Philly until after midnight. Quite the gamut of advice from the models.
  12. GFS could be overstating the speed was just shocked to see it that far east at 7PM. Has it ending here around 1AM.
  13. GFS has snow in NJ by 7PM. It may start before rush hour in the Burg.
  14. The only way to get into Hershey is to take the highway.
  15. That was what I was going for. You and Atomic are fast thinkers. :-)
  16. I was not making a forecast just discussion like usual...I agree you would think it arrives here before Harrisburg but there are reasons why it would not. I am only 50 miles from Harrisburg as well. Not as far out as some might think. Parts of Cumberland County are to my West.
  17. That tongue (that is what it is, right...a tongue?) of moisture going north of me could delay it here a bit. HRRR starts in Harrisburg before me.
  18. No, I am getting the shaft there. Under 2" in that panel. LOL
  19. It sends that WAA over us (as in North of you and I) and we get nothing except some late coastal left overs. Notice how it focuses on that same piece of energy that came off Florida as well as the developing system off Cape May.
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