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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. So you need to do a virga accumulation and ground truth accumulation forecast.
  2. They did not want you to bash them so they give you maps that are more to your liking.
  3. A good old fashioned, solid snow storm! Thanks for doing that.
  4. Very surprised how well the Rap has been doing with placement of precip so going to give it another shout out. Could be a total screw up after the game is over but the map is still pretty for our forum. Latest run. Amazing consistency for Adams county.
  5. I believe even being in that "mountainous" area gets you enhancement. You get an inch or two more than downtown Fairfield. I would never travel Jack's mountain in a snowstorm. LOL
  6. If you live in one of those housing developments in the hills, the roads get terrible there during decent snows. Not sure how some of those suburbanites get out sometimes.
  7. Do not have time to compare the maps like you did, but I will definitely take what the 18Z nam is offering. Issue the wsw's!
  8. From a southern slider to.....not so southern (at least the precip shield/field)
  9. Dp map. That -8 in NE PA is going to have some waiting for the column to saturate. LOL
  10. Probably virga at the moment, but radar returns have reached Bedford.
  11. Latest HRRR. Still focusing North of previous hot area. WSW level stuff in Scranton.
  12. Right but in Carlise's case he needs 4.4, or 4.3. He cannot win with anything else. I have 3 options I can win with. Most others have larger options.
  13. Gives you a wide berth. Carlisle and I can only win if 2 or 3 different accums come in. We are land locked.
  14. My comment was to also have fun with Carlisle getting outbid by $1.
  15. Maybe I will not be shoveling tomorrow AM. Maybe the HRRR is wrong.
  16. Verbatim, the HRRR is make take us out of the WWA category. Broom snow.
  17. Your employer must love you....you converse with a bunch of people who pound out posts all day, most with jobs, and you relegate yourself to evenings and mornings usually.
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