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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Those small, high HP cars are incredible off the line. A properly tuned VW Golf R or standard WRX or can get up to 60 in close to 4 seconds or 5 seconds respectively.
  2. Well my comment was specific to the euro. 5 years ago we would already be sharpening our shovels.
  3. A few years ago it would be super exciting but now just ok, let's wait 6 hours.
  4. Peace offering to Blizz after the Eagles/'Boys talk last night
  5. You and @losetoa6 may need to face off on a long, flat stretch at some point. Haha. I need space over speed but I would love to drive a WRX some days.
  6. Agreed. Any Hurricanes in the Atlantic are going to ruin the next week to 10 days.
  7. Current Wunderground temps. I would think 31 and above with the daylight is not going to allow much in the way of road freezing. 33 here
  8. Yep. Solid Cat 3 just based on mb. Winds are not modeled Cat 3 level. Cat 1. That is one fujiwara that would bring us more than we bargained for.
  9. 12Z GFS still trying to spin up a Hurricane next weekend. I am awaiting the posts about not being tropical in nature but still....Cat 3 based on millibars. Cat 1 based just on 850 winds.
  10. I was surprised they issued it. On your other post, no surprise you holding the cold longer than me. Regular fare, LOL. We did have some car bumper icicles earlier. Models were too light on how much rain we eventually had so if the temps had been 3-5 degrees colder, we would have had a bad situation here.
  11. Yea, an interesting model progression. Will change shortly so just a talking point. I know Blizz was posting for the potential. Gets up to Michigan before being blocked back into Ohio before transfer time so need that to be farther south for the LSV to do well. Transfer south of Ohio to that same VA Beach pop up point, and the WSW's will fly!
  12. We are up to 32 here now ourselves. 3 degrees in an hour. In the clear from any damage down this way.
  13. I guess what I am saying is that the depiction seems very fast for a storm going through any type of genesis like progression (bombogenssis maybe a better word though its not a 24 millibar drop). If it is occluding that quickly, that is one fast process. From nothing to 970's to 990's all in 24-30 hours.
  14. Interesting. Wonder how high the actual clouds/precip are as to starting. Anything in the 38-40 range would melt right there. So how are you getting these readings? You said a drone app...is this estimated info from a model?
  15. Pretty warm just a few thousand feet up. Guess that is why there is not much sleet. Any snow is totally melting.
  16. It then somewhat minors out once getting down in the upper 970's. Strange evolution...very short life span of development.
  17. Freezing area below....to the west has caved is about 32. Surprised Lanco has some above freezing temps...as MJS said.
  18. Eagles had an amazing second half of the season. They have a decent chance of beating anyone except the Packers. Cannot get down too much as I think your passing game is suspect.
  19. Still 29 here. Had some drizzle for a bit so elevated areas have a glaze now. The fact that is still below 30 here suggests the SW push of warm air is not overly zealous.
  20. For the weekend on the euro, a quick cyclogenensis from 994 to 980 in 12 hours then the system has the rug pulled out from it. Unique.
  21. 29 here. Had some scattered returns overhead but do not think anything reached the ground.
  22. I just scanned some mesos again and all show you getting some frz but not a ton. None for the south part of the lsv and about .1 or less accretion for upper lsv and msv. Will see how we they did later tomorrow.
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