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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. 10" is fine with my. Actually its plenty unless we are going over 2 feet. Little difference in 10" vs 14" in my book. The slotted part is also key to avoid pack loss. Temps for us max out in the mid 30's post storm. Low to mid 40's for those a bit east so have to watch that potential for a torch even in our area.
  2. Yes you did. Pitt stole our deform. The TimB Blizzard of 22.
  3. For us, thump then dry slot. But not a classic Miller A
  4. It still makes me smile to see someone else excited about a model starting (I am as well when I have time).
  5. The farther east one goes, the less heat up today per the short term models I looked at. You may stay in the mid to upper 30's.
  6. @Cashtown_Coop, we are not holding on to just snow long once that 850 low moves from Kentucky to Ohio. The primary is not giving up fast enough regardless of where the new Surface low goes once it forms to our South. Need the 850's to collapse which means a much sooner transfer.
  7. Thanks for adding that. Great to put a reason to the results on the models.
  8. Being discussed on the MA board but here is a panel showing an area we really need improvement for a mostly snow event (LSV). It's really not even close for the LSV with the 850 low in Ohio.
  9. Here is a more smoothed over look I saw from Wxbell/MA. Makes is seem less bad,
  10. Then the new area of LP, near the coast, takes over and goes Due North or a bit West of North into Central PA putting a driving rain storm into a lot of Eastern PA.
  11. On today's 12Z GFS, the main area of LP is about 400-500 miles NW of the 12Z placement yesterday for Sunday afternoon. Though there is some hint of redevelopment closer to the coast. Makes for a tricky call with it getting up that far West into Ohio.
  12. What a stark difference from the Icon (realizing this is a smoothed out ensemble average)
  13. 12Z Icon snow and precip with the deform band obvious
  14. Did the squirrel have an eye patch and oddly shapen sword?
  15. Its all snow for most here though turns to mixed in the SE for a bit. Low goes from S/E VA and retrogrades west a bit before ending up in N Nj.
  16. Milky sunshine here. Some high clouds but not covering the sun. But all blue to the West. Up to 35 now. Its going to be a beaut over here today. Maybe you need something at Lowes to come on over and feel it for a bit.
  17. Already up to 32 here. Headed for the 40's and maybe 50 (not LSV, west of the mountains). Will be a nice break for a day. Snowpack is already gone anyway.
  18. Will see how it plays out but the Nam continues to increase the presence of the wave hanging around the S/E in 36 hours. Even has some mixed precip away from it back into PA. A few days ago it was similar but had since then made the wave minor out...until now.
  19. Pretty much what I saw. None of the Op's are suppressing but plenty of the ensembles still were.
  20. It depends how it got there for Bubbler and Cashland. But yea we can assume it is not too far inland in the panel or two before that.
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