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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Yea, at the behest of Cash (who knows more about snow than him?) it's gone. Pretend it never happened. FYI, are you getting enough maps? I remember you asked for them.
  2. That fact makes it even more of a special dare. Sprinkle in the phrases climo wins out, better luck next time, and ask if anyone wants to join you in a chase to Pitt.
  3. We have frothed ourselves up into either a foot or bust at this point. 2-4". LOL.
  4. I will head over to the Pitt forum and let them know we have tossed it so they do not waste their time adding up their snow.
  5. Blizzard 22: I survived the eye of the 500 low.
  6. It's the worst look for the Eastern half of PA. A fairly minor event. It never consolidates on another close to the coast and the ULL features come up to our west.
  7. CMC coming right into PA with a dual low that climbs the seaboard.
  8. Yea. That was what it may me think of when I headed the Florida met. Still not where near as devastating (modeled) as March 93 but with the more recent trend for the low to go over or near the peninsula, it has some compares.
  9. Also, having the 3 hour panels on Pivotal does make it look more jumpy. Run through it on TT and its a more normal progression as to the look though in hour 90 you can see the "other low" sitting over VA ruining what would otherwise look like a great track for us,.
  10. Also noticed for the eastern half of PA, the snows maps are better at 10-1 (vs kuch) for some locales. Close to the same at others.
  11. To me the GFS seems to be having lots of issues dealing with how to handle the capture. Just grinds away in S Va for 6-12 hours.
  12. It is North of the Nam even with that jump. Has two areas of LP at 78. Only one shows (the lowest) on the panel.
  13. Speaking of compares, I have a Florida radio station on in the background...that has a real met that comes on. He is taking the Nam very seriously and invoking his own compare but using March '93. He does admit its not as wound up. Apparently the sirens are going off in Florida for high winds and somewhat extreme cold post storm.
  14. Icon up on TT. I like that it dips well south, ala Nam, and scoops up some fresh Gulf moisture before turning North East. Both it and the Nam really look close to a Miller A. Icon does get dragged back inland for a bit before transferring back to the coast.
  15. I can say I personally appreciate your position with snow maps and in my opinion, you are correct as to them not being a very accurate predictor of anything until 72 hours and in. They are fun to look at though so I do post them sometimes. I can say the best thing about your post is that you do not go out of your way to grind the anti snow map thoughts in when someone posts one. No one wants a group professor going around trying to look smart by correcting and "teaching" them. LOL.
  16. Das einheitlich. They are being taken a lot more seriously on the MA this go around. For every post that says they are ignoring the Nam and Icon, there are two or three which actual do real model analysis.
  17. I have some callouses that look a little fishy. I will let you know what that means by Monday. I guess its better to have a callous then be callous.
  18. Thanks for posting that. TT has not even started it yet. A bit close for us LSV or near by types.
  19. Definitely if the capture/pull back stops where you want it. If you loop the Nap on TT you can see its definitely turned from almost Due east to North East the last few panels. It does not look like it is going to escape. But its just one model run over 90 hours away from the event.
  20. And if its captured by the trailing ULL....pull it back or at least pulling it up
  21. I think its a pretty good for us. Definitely better than previous models taking the ULL into Ohio. Still have to keep the slide by to the south option open.
  22. Nam at 84 still not really close to starting here. 850 and 500 both at similar spots and much more snow friendly if the low indeed cuts north on the next panel.
  23. Nam at 78 has it's eyes on Bunions and even people east of the bunions.
  24. Nam is below freezing down into SC as morning breaks Sunday-9Z
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