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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Nam very similar SLP wise at 39. 12Z showed an "L" in Mexico but the real SLP was in East Texas and still is.
  2. Yea, after those days with highs in the low 20's, this does feel warm.
  3. Its in the 50's over in Western Franklin County. So not too bad here. Nice to get out. Not all guidance ticket East but the Euro kept us in the big dog game. Nam is running.
  4. I would need a Met to sign off on my model interpretation but I am fairly sure it is dual barrel when down in the South east. The low transfers but seems to maintain a reflection post transfer as it moves North East.
  5. It's farther South and East than the GFS and GEM which is great.
  6. Yea, if I can stay on the NW side of the Surface presentation I should hold a bit longer even if just sleet/frz vs. plain rain. But its really close. I did not see a 93 map but you said it was showing the lowest pressure over Frederick. I think I would be changed if so.
  7. Look at the 2M map. The temps are failing way away from the "L" because the low is really an elongated dual barrel that is much farther West than the L it focused on for that panel. Again, my interpretation. Others may have their own. Look at this 850 map. Low is well west at 90.
  8. As long as we have two areas of LP, if I am right, we have to pay attention to the left one as it will break the hearts of people who are focused on the right one.....basically it's one larger area of LP so 850's and surface will fail well inland even though the low "appears" to be way over the Chessy.
  9. So I propose that instead of moving from Chessy to Frederick then NJ, its still dual barrel and the model is just bouncing around to the lowest pressure. See snip below with Low 2 pointed out.
  10. The SLP does not appear to make it up to you though the limited Euro maps but it still gets pretty windy Harrisburg way. Do not see surface winds by over 50 just above.
  11. I think that is the 500 low which is important as well.
  12. Some of those purples on pivotal are heavy snow vs. mix. Tough to tell some times.
  13. On Pivotal is appears to retrograde but it is actually the dual low's and the model changing the focus.
  14. I only hope 2001 does not take offense as I just included him because Canderson did. Atomix is auto include.
  15. 2001KX: How much does it show? Atomixwx: 3-4" with some taint at the end. 2001KX: No, not that! The snow maps!
  16. A $200K house in Clearfield would cost $600-800K in Charlottesville so consider yourself lucky.
  17. Hey now, respect the dashing man with the plume. Oh no...I just opened the door to plumes!
  18. Maybe that is why you seem so level headed and do not go through it? LOL.
  19. MA is going the meme route to handle the runs today. There are some hilarious ones but had to grab this one from Randy/Stormtracker and share
  20. An interesting 12Z suite. Started off with great East trend's but then some bad news.
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