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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. That is a ton of mixed up into Western PA. The Euro must still be driving warm air up way to the west of the "new low".
  2. Fine tuning certainly coming up. Just do not see any more runs where there is 1 foot in S/E PA and hardly anything in Western PA so basically agree with your thought. I still think you see 4-8" before cutover.
  3. As modeled right now, the drifting is probably going to be a non event so your IF is probably right.
  4. That would defintely be nice. Snow maps on almost everything are remarkably consistent this Am. Big snows about 30-60 min to my west and back from there. It's possible we do not see much change on that.
  5. Lol. Training, blizz, etc....10" is your limit. 11 is now off the table.
  6. I hope both PA teams and DFT win. Keep things spicy. I am a steel sympathizer anyway but this week, seeing Brady go down would be nice as well. Have no idea how the Cowboys game goes. They could win 40-10 or lose 40-10
  7. Ha. I think the Steel makes a game of it if the bad mahomes shows. Understand why you think it's a blowout though. Maybe it is....
  8. Any potential power outages, maybe not your way but for Pitt fans in the MA and South East PA, could be a minor story.
  9. Pivotal snow map is still wonky showed little snow at the M/D line where the surface map showed heavy snow. Either way a good run. Most of PA gets in decent snow or better.
  10. Looks about the same as paw paw on that icon map. Ha.
  11. Well cash called that one. Paw paw gets 3 to 4 more than either himself or me.
  12. The mag post that helped sum up the early models runs made me realize that we are doing pretty well with our pbp, discussion and analysis here as of late. Pretty good group of weather folks.
  13. It's worth discussing and looking at trends, IMO.
  14. Rgem is world's better than the nam. The area of warm air to our west gets collapsed in as the coastal takes over. Low still comes over us but a more snowy outcome upfront. Though the heaviest is still west of me and the Lsv.
  15. Rgem in the gulf at 54 but it too has two areas of 850's rising to its North.
  16. I did not look at the surface to see how cold it actually was on the ground but yea a lot of ice. As you pointed out the nam transfer (or moved where the panel was showing the lowest point of pressure) at 69 but 850's are already failing in WV by that point. Not a good scene for snow even some of the places that it did show snow. The inland low just gets so far north.
  17. It's a bit west with the fall line for snow. Euro has 8-12 here and nam has a pity inch, but for you guys I think it is more similar.
  18. I agree and this is actually a snow storm this time. It's west of us but a little more believable result vs. 18z
  19. So at 69 we have two waves. It happened so late that warm air is already surging west.
  20. The nam does not appear to be snow friendly unless it transfers and goes northeast.
  21. It jumps north. That is different from yesterday.
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