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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Lol. Nam has a 997 and 998 low at 48 hours. Doomed.
  2. Hrrr delaying the transfer and has the primary in WV and still deepening at 7pm tomorrow. The coastal has a reflection but not as deep. Hrrr is still advecting warmer 850's into N VA at that point but a different way of handing this convulted solution.
  3. At the risk of offending, still worth peeking at the Hrrr for any trends. It is really gung ho on the inland low. Deepening it to 998 in TN. See if it starts to climb off the ledge tomorrow.
  4. He knows technical stuff quite well but he is the most tunnel visioned weather weenie I have ever known. Once he locks in on something, its all aboard and more often than not it ends up like this scene from Back to the Future. If the Euro showed it 3 days ago, but does not now, its full of it, broken and needs reprogrammed. We are going with the 3 days old forecast.
  5. Aleet-First call after his first call from before. Next first call tomorrow. I get the rare 10" and 11-16". Maybe it is that dual low. I get both accumulations for a total of 21-26.
  6. Does anyone have 850 maps? Curious if it lessens the second wave?
  7. Deluge of white. Keeps tracking fun. Nam almost back up to the plate.
  8. Unless I am forgetting something, the euro vs the world with snow that far East. Can you tell why it is different?
  9. Best of the HH runs for most in the east half of the state.
  10. Two close misses on the 18Z GFS for next weekend and early the following week. More tracking coming!
  11. 4-6" seems like a kings bounty right now. I would take it.
  12. Can you ask her to release a balloon in the air so we can get a sample of 925?
  13. That is what makes public snow maps so hard for people to grasp, again ala Trainings comments. Joe average Businessman (WFH or otherwise) is not going to understand how 6-10" of snow is now down to scraps. But it can go both ways. If NWS drops WSW's here and the models were dead wrong, like Jan 25, 2000, people do not understand how it went from flurries to 12-18". This event is a lot better than sunny and cold so still going to track and watch for changes.
  14. Yep, humbling for forecasting. I kept it to myself for the most part so no 'Where is my one foot of snow" from friends (Sort of similar to Trainings story) but still very disappointing at this point. I feel for the most part we did a good job in tracking so far. Surprised more NWS and paid mets did not catch on to the 850 low/surface wave that hangs on west of the apps.
  15. Not doubt. But will still look for a reversal because it's what I do. Track.
  16. No, its not. Every other run in HH has been less for me. GFS has been the best with Icon right there as well. Rgem and Nam were basically ground whiteners.
  17. Yea, Franklin similar. And these numbers are up there with the best for HH so far.
  18. Well that is what happens, quick flip, but it was snowing quite hard over you for that one panel. I think some of the more smoothed over snow maps are a bit better than pivotal right now.
  19. The pivotal maps shows you getting less than 1" (goes over 1" with late snow Monday afternoon). Several runs now where I question it what is going on with pivotal figures in close situations.
  20. GFS is great for the Western 1/3 of PA. Going to be some gaudy snow maps figures there.
  21. GFS has precip breaking out mid afternoon for some.
  22. I am going to need the Mesos to show something more than 1-2" before I feel steady.
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