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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Cowboys resorting to trick plays. Lol. Embarrassing.
  2. Wish the rates would pick up. We only have a few more hours...at least model wise. If it keeps doing this for 3 more hours we will not break 2". Lol
  3. Looked like money was involved or something. Not sure...money hidden in the stadium?
  4. What? Lol. It's on CBS. Did you see that cowboys stampede?! So strange.
  5. Defintely. We still do not have an inch after 2 hours.
  6. Plus your gear will report. LOL. It is DOWN TO 15 here now!
  7. HRRR has us mixing out around 8-9PM and then mid to upper 30's for high point after midnight. I will not be awake to see the high point if it happens. LOL.
  8. Most of the 850 advection is coming from the S/E so maybe wait it out and see if things are better than what the HRRR is showing. Low in Western VA still the "primary".
  9. Still under 1" here after 90 min of snow. It's sort of like a snow you would want when on a sleigh ride. Dry, fluffy, small flakes, light. Would say between 1/2 and 3/4". 16/13.
  10. I agree we probably do not see a washout. Might get above 32 tonight though.
  11. Not seeing much meso model support for the high LWX accums to our south. Nowcasting vs. models!
  12. A pic out my front door. Every flake has accumulated but really still not 1/2". Wipers up on the wife's V-Dub. Pulled the car up so we can get out without shoveling if needed. Driveway is 1/8 of a mile long winding around behind the house.
  13. There is something up. I dropped it because it is what it is and only an issue, I think, during change over situations. The pivotal maps are much more specific and not smoothed out.
  14. It will be great if we can keep our pack. I say that rather sheepishly if our friends east of the Susky do not do as well.
  15. Yea and my mention on them was just "what if" and math. I have no idea how fast it will come down.
  16. Oh, I am good. Was not complaining, sorry. Just an ob.
  17. DP map shows high DP's coming in from both sides as expected. Upper singles and low teens in central PA. MDT in the mid teens.
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