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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. There was a VERY significant one in the mid 80's. I was over in Carlisle and route 81 was closed because cars could not move.
  2. Looks a little more Grimey in Philly all of sudden.
  3. This should result in another chance whether the Euro sees it that way or not
  4. A Chattanooga Choo Choo with sweet temps.
  5. Euro is mostly freezing rain with some plain rain... with temps too high to be a major event for the LSV in my opinion. Just a prog, not a forecast and I am sure someone has Cad knowledge on how well the Euro does. A good bit of the qpf is during daytime as nothing is close to falling at 6Z.
  6. UK for the weekend is mostly a snow to rain situation. Not a lot of ice.
  7. UK is a sleet bomb as well...little to no FRZ unless pivotal output of the UK is different than their outer suites.
  8. CTP's page does not seem to list the sleet requirements for a WSW but some other places use 1/2". Snow is 5" in the LSV and SE, 6" rest of the state....and 1/4" for ice except for 9 NE most counties which are 1/2" of ice.
  9. As other have said, that sleet bomb is the key. An Icon like situation of only FRZ is not going to be that terrible once the sun comes up. I doubt I have much in the way over here as to FRZ.
  10. A big one as is but could have been more with that 500 Look. We could have been pulling the word tuck out. Of course the phase would have risked it pulling too far in.
  11. Northern Stream vort/trough looking for lasting and explosive relationship with Southern Stream Energy. Serious inquires only.
  12. Nam starting to backtrack on super streak a b it but still fairly potent. Rgem and Icon have it as well though farther south.
  13. 46 here this AM. Never made it past 40 last night and actually rose to 61 at one point. So we already have a double digit An deviation today.
  14. I think a sleet bomb is the best chance for this to be an event the causes disruption. I am hearing and reading the cad will win posts but it is not that cold going into the event. If we agree that 30 is a bit warm for frz during the day, there is little room.
  15. Cad is there...just verbatim it warms enough to minimize the frz risk.
  16. Rgem is a sleet bomb for much of eastern pa
  17. Lots of frz on icon but temps are borderline in Lsv.
  18. Icon is a mitch masher for Wed snow though I do not think accums will match nam.
  19. Precip gone before lunch on Thursday and above freezing many areas whether right with CAD or not. Definitely not a crippling ice storm,
  20. Seems the Nam is battling with the low transferring. Paweather540 line is well into NY though when the icy precip falls so definitely no snow at that point. Quote a few paweather ice showers though.
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