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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. It is a hell of a lot better than using any globals within 6 hours of an event. Within 6 hours the 12k Nam gets used 100/100 times vs any global. Right now is the Nam's wheel house short of comparing it with the 3K which is no better than this though just less smoothed.
  2. Both Nams have some holes on the N/W flank of the snow that is going to cut down accums in Cumberland and N Franklin. Lower across the board actually.
  3. 18Z Nam has full on rain for Lanco to start.
  4. Does not matter what I get as long as I get 3". Need most of the LSV to get 3" too or it is a bust. Going to need larger flakes or less sun for the roads to start accumulating.
  5. The band set up over me right now looks transient though.
  6. Sn+ albeit smaller flakes right now. Between 1/4 and 1/2" on elevated surfaces, grass, etc. No accums on pavement yet. Still 29.
  7. 18Z HRRR expects almost all the returns through PA to collapse in the next hour or two. Seems doubtful.
  8. Mod snow and 29 now. Mulch and elevated surfaces caving.
  9. The only failure when someone posts a definitive statement before a storm happens is the poster themselves. That is a good point about what happened with that system and N Central PA scoring a coup. Punxsutawney has sn+ based on radar right now.
  10. Some mesos have some additional banding down here and in the LSV when the low gets near the coast overnight re: not just what us on radar now.
  11. Euro 10:1. Think Kuch would be higher at 2-4 for most of the LSV and 3-5 south.
  12. Decent snow underway Saturday AM in the LSV on the GFS.
  13. Icon is 2-5 for all of LSV but 3-5 for the central and south (Today into Wed). Rgem still sparse.
  14. Temps up tp 28 here. Gets into the 30's and road accums will suffer.
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