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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. It is fine at 150. Still not sure if anything can pull it though.
  2. The storm was much more amped than 6Z but it has graduated back a bit a couple panels later. Was not trying to trick, I showed the hefty snow shield.
  3. Big changes on the 12Z GFS...well the changes moderate back a bit as the panels go on. Big changes in THIS panel.
  4. Thanks for asking. I am better than Monday but actually feel a little worse than yesterday. No emergencies though :-). Yea it has been almost no stop precip. The heavy drizzle last evening and temps just above freezing with rain over night did a number on the snow pack over here. With that said, the drought map has not budged!
  5. How is the ice pack on the river? That may be key too.
  6. Yea, that was what I meant by either way. If it presses too much there is still news worthy weather.
  7. The possible coming cold could be a newsmaker either way. Does MDT get below zero again?
  8. Some heavy freezing drizzle here and 30 now. 18Z GFS Deamped the 20th. Still some snow but not anywhere near what it was.
  9. I actually LOVE the speed of TT's site and ease of browsing panels. Just not the snow maps. AI will be everyone's designer soon.
  10. Todd gross is one of the Grandpapies of weather board speak. And you know Brian just under his new screenname,
  11. Some random names that come to mind Josh Lindstrom Todd Gross Ryan Hanrahan Brian Monahan Edwards Moran
  12. Not sure talking about weatherboards on...wait for it...a weatherboard....is off topic. If anything we are doing nexus of the universe type stuff here talking about origination stories!
  13. Glad there is one sane report from Cumberland. All the 1" and under reports had me wondering.
  14. You are doing anything and everything to get wrestling into posts today! LOL. The Undertaker. LOL
  15. If I had not left already Marcus may have pulled me in to punch some people. Bloodied up some MA folks maybe. LOL.
  16. When EUS went down things did not "go down" well between the crews so I think that if I am right about a board losing its data, it is this one and not EUS. I had to create a new user name here.
  17. Tuck too. I am having a hard time fully understanding what is fully behind the streaming moisture from the gulf prior to any phase.
  18. Since I only visited once in a blue moon when in Florida I remember coming back somewhere and all posts being gone and all users were "new". I think Marcus did delete EUS when it "went down" but this was more of a situation where the board was not going away, everything was just lost. User accounts/passwords survived, just a data loss.
  19. Didn't this board use all of its data/archives at one point and everyone "started over"? Post counts included. Or was that EUS"?
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