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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Interesting that it has the same NAM football finger of snow earlier on Saturday and then nothing for a while but part two does start as snow in the LSV Saturday afternoon.
  2. I especially find a bit of humor how it transfers from Western Indiana to Easton, PA between 228 and 234.
  3. @Flatheadsickness might have already delivered those composting worms to Daxx so maybe some got loose and that explains the itch?
  4. The of the GFS went to POO for the rest of the month. North Dakota Cutter next Weekend and missed phase end of month.
  5. Evan Kuchera is giving the middle finger to @CarlislePaWx and @Cashtown_Coop (nearby) on the GFS.
  6. Yep, going to be like a real winter event. Good call on that.
  7. Icon has a more congealed look with the finger WAA and the front passage being less separated and an all day frozen event. Snow maps not out yet but would guess 1-3" before change.
  8. Sponsored by the Mid Penn Bread and Dairy Association.
  9. I personally would be surprised if most areas do not get closer to 2" during that first push whether it is a sole finger football snow then shut off for a while like the Nam or more of a snow to sleet situation like some others I have seen.
  10. HIRES Nam would suggest a mixture of both but really very little precip on it at all...which is common for it from what I have seen...so think it is probably underdone.
  11. The NAM is holding steady with that 1-2" finger of snow Sat Am between 7AM and noon then a few hours of Sleet and Freezing rain in the afternoon. Large break between the two.
  12. I would rather think about how much if the GEM/Canadian were right.
  13. I spoke to someone who deals with sales at Liberty and they are basically calling this season a wash. Even if the snow making/falling season comes back many people will not as its one of those things where the year ends up great when people can do it early but by February many have moved on to other pursuits. They said they are happy if 1 out of 3 seasons is decent and last year was also a downer so they are hoping next year does a lot better.
  14. 18Z GFS speeds it back up a tad....morning start to the snow Saturday.
  15. I have just been crazy busy...stopping in a few times a day but no time to post much.
  16. Models continue to slow down the weekend system...giving time for the High/CAD to scoot out into the Atlantic. In 48 hours we have gone from snowing mid day Fri to no precip until mid day Saturday.
  17. It also seemed to slow it back down to a weekend storm again (for the LSV). The snow has not even broken out at 7AM on the 0Z Euro where as it was approaching NYC at that same time on the previous run.
  18. What was a weekend storm, next week, is quickly turning into a Friday-Friday Night slopfest. Nice front end snows on 12Z GFS.
  19. That's one of my questions as it makes the states much less significant if so.
  20. I think I could say anything and you would get a reply in about snow coming. LOL.
  21. Great info, thanks. So the top two are 2 of the last 3 decades. Wonder if there are any record keeping issues there as otherwise that is pretty definitive info that it is VERY rare to hit 68 in January and we have indeed had more days at that temp since some time in the 1970's.
  22. If my A/C was not covered up it would be on right now. Crazy 74 degrees in my house. Terrible.
  23. LOL, I was more posting for my own info vs. yours guys discussion. I do not have time to check now but guessing if you did the other decades back to 1950's it was at least a little less common. The 2017/2018 seasons skewed this last decade high. Edit-Blizz (and maybe Nut) are probably steaming seeing posts about temps in the 70's but this is a weather board not just a winter weather board. I like discussing extremes. :-)
  24. I just did a QUICK scan back to Dec 2010 for any days in Dec-Feb that reached 68 or higher. There is a decent chance I missed one or two but these are most of them. Just listing months and temps. Feb 2011 (1)-68 Dec 2013(1)-70 Feb 2017(5) 68,68,69,75,76 Feb 2018(2) 77,79
  25. We did hit 70 at least once in the last year or two and as @daxx said it seems more common in recent winters but I was thinking it is still farily rare when taking all winters, maybe since 1950, into consideration. We have a stats guy on here...who was it, @Jns2183 maybe?
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