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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. @Itstrainingtime I think you not posting the Canadian snow map for next Thursday, especially for you and @daxx is like a sort of forced deprivation. There have been so many snow maps this year in the 6-10" range but this is sort of rare for this specific season.
  2. I liked it better when I thought Roundtop had a bunch of cats they released on the mountain each night.
  3. Completely off topic of this forum but I noticed some discussion in the MA concerning how the Euro was not overly amped for NC and VA a few days ago, while the Nam was, and whether the Euro caved to the NAM in changing its tune. I am of the opinion that the Euro caved. Nothing has happened yet and it could all fall apart but the latest Euro snowfall map is so very Nam like (from days ago) minus the over exuberance the Nam puts into its totals from time to time. I am a self professed backer of the Nam so I am going to toot the horn. These are 10-1 totals and that may not be reality especially on hard surfaces. The bottom map is the Euro from 48 hours ago as a compare to the top map of today's 12Z Euro.
  4. I have to hand it to Roundtop, Whitetail, etc....for even having snow at this point. I know it is just down a few slopes and is not at all optimal but the fact they can make it fast enough to not melt out in these conditions, especially with the frequent high humidity/warmer storms, is pretty amazing to me.
  5. Yea, I did not mean to leave out other sports. Skiing is the one most people see. That stuff will be back even if we are slowing trending warmer which is not a foregone conclusion.
  6. GFS with a coastal next week around this time. May be cold enough...something to watch. Similar system to Blizz's post for a day or so ago but different evolution.
  7. I just had a friend from VA send me a frustrated string of texts about this fact and how Global Warming is basically putting an end to skiing in the Mid Atlantic. I think we are just in a downtime and there will be more skiing other years but some people outside weenies like us are noticing this year.
  8. All I know is that I am jealous of NC especially if the Nam's persistent insistence on a Mecs (Hecs for them?) comes to fruition. 12Z is impressive. and almost seems to stall the fairly weak recently formed coastal system for almost 1/2 day off the NC coast.
  9. I was looking at the GFS panels which show it approaching 60 two days next week and the temp at MDT never going below 40 between 7AM Monday Morning and 7PM Thursday evening. When they do the departures they they take both the high and low differences so a high of 60 and low of 40 is high double digit departure.
  10. I think the thing that struck me was the way everyone was talking about the cold night last Friday as if it was special...and it really was just a normal cold night at least LSV wise. Below average cold but something that usually happens several times every winter. It was balls to wall cold up in Northern PA. At my place we were actually colder during one of the earlier cold nights this year...they have been so few though.
  11. The Euro did actually Cave to the Nam this time as well. Not as cold as the name but still a very large area of 2-4" type snows now.
  12. On the subject of the large departures this month, MDT sits at +7.9 as of today. Looks like some normal or slightly below coming up late week then a string of 4-5 days with double digit or close positive departures this weekend and next week followed by slightly above normal to end the month...so unless the MR guidance is way off we probably will not finish the month with a double digit positive departure. Getting up to 60 a couple times next week is going to keep it high but probably stay in that 7-9+ range. Still noteworthy but not historic.
  13. Times in the past would have called for pointing out that the Euro is not good at short range. LOL. That is a weenie handbook classic.
  14. GFS and Icon are caving to the Nam. Even suggesting Mason-Dixon coun ties of MD might see some flakes.
  15. Only took 1/2 a day to turn it into a Cutter/reform over us. Model tracking this season has reminded me of this one minute clip:
  16. Was travelling between York and Gettysburg today and there are two golf courses on route 30....both were overflowing with people riding carts and playing 9 or 18 holes. Surprised that the courses will let people play this early.
  17. When that first day in March, or maybe April, hits that it really does not matter anymore there is a sudden hole in many peoples hearts at the normal model run times each day.
  18. I must have misread your post as saying he would be surprised if it snowed again.
  19. It has stayed at 34 for 4 hours. The streak looks like it will be broken by one degree.
  20. Yea, we all have our own opinions. I certainly understand not liking his posting. I am just a fan. I like shows such as Seinfeld, The Office, etc...so I have to appreciate Ji. I will take my lashing for saying it. LOL.
  21. He is almost a founding member though...a grandpa. Seniority wise he is on the level of a Marcus, TQ or Don Rosenfeld. By this point I think most should avoid being offended by his posts. The one thing I find strange is that he must not do that with his FB folks as people would not just listen to sarcasm all the time. This must be his outlet.
  22. Since we are on the topic of posting and writing etiquette I usually end up sort of skipping over are the dramatic/extremist types which ironically I have to fight myself not to be like. There are three Met's which come immediately to mind but fortunately most posters here are more level. Everyone has their way of expressing themselves. I sometimes have to look in the mirror or put myself in their shoes before I reply.
  23. I may have missed one of his posts but the one I noticed a few days back said Horst had all but thrown in on winter I thought. I could be remembering incorrectly though. He also may be directing it at Met Winter. The NWS uses Met winter.
  24. I am still not sure who has given up except Larry Cosgrove, Horst and JI and I love reading JI's post so he gets a pass. Sarcasm is funny.
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