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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. The way I understand it all construction sites had to shut down today with the Governors order so if that cascades to other states construction is going to be a HUGE furlough target.
  2. I am but I work at home most of the time anyway.
  3. I am a bit worried about the Nam driving the ULL into the Northern DelMarVa now. That is not a good trend.
  4. Going to be very tempted to take the cover off the A/C today. Feels like Flo-Ri-Da.
  5. Icon keeps you in the game and others are so very close.
  6. Yea, just judging on what I see now I expect a large part of the state to get a WSW. Laurels to the North East Corridor for 5-10". Again, probably not on the roads as much.
  7. Yep, it has trended north. With that said this is arguably the best look of the winter season. Cold air is shallow and will not withstand much but we have a low going south of the Delmarva. Lack of cold air may doom the LSV but its close.
  8. Oh what the hell, here is the standard EC map. The EC is really the only one on board for this that I saw and all models show the surface temps being very questionable. As many have said a solution like this would take away part of the historic nature of this winter though 2020 is always going to be remembered for other things than a bad winter.
  9. Zones say snow likely Monday. Have not see that often this season.
  10. That too though I am not sure about this warm weather thing yet. Its pretty warn in Iran....lots of 60's and 70's. Its also warm in Florida.
  11. I will say that if we get to a point where people are in a "shelter in place" situation I would prefer it is nice out!
  12. I would be surprised if it went to 80. Looking at just one model, GFS, the place where the 80's get to in VA are still only 81/82. I bet LSV hits mid 70's though.
  13. Yea, I did not think of the supply chain issue but the other way to solve that is to hope people stop hoarding.
  14. Although that makes sense if most people are staying home does it really cause a lot of travel issues? Would make life tough for first responders.
  15. https://cumberlink.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/gov-wolf-to-extend-covid--shutdown-across-pennsylvania/article_4f44141a-a42a-5d46-b539-883d285ad954.html#utm_source=cumberlink.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnewsletter-templates%2Fbreaking&utm_medium=PostUp&utm_content=76d55c3450cb85adbb30161eeb9e70e4f90e8d7d
  16. Yep, my understanding is this means all corporate offices as well. Of course closed does not mean closed vs. go remote.
  17. My statement was based on masses as well. I thought you were saying people would be losing their nest eggs. That is a common term to mean retirement money.
  18. Maryland just closed all restaurants. Take Out still allowed.
  19. I will add one thing to your comment if you mean 401K/retirement next eggs. I understand the fear in seeing the funds go down but unless one is in their 60's I would just stop checking the 401K web sites and ignore the total. It means nothing when it is high and means nothing when it is low...it only matters when you go to pull money out. I think we are still at the point where things "could" start going back to normal in two weeks if cases level off but it will be hard while we keep hearing stories about what is going on in Europe.
  20. Skipping summer to me meant going to school until July and then a very short break. I did not mean straight through. As far as family vacations outside the economic issues with that I am not sure that really matters if we get into a situation like Italy. Many people will be out of work, many others afraid to travel, etc...unless the virus dials back during the summer I am not sure many will go on vaca at this point any way.
  21. I heard rumor of skipping summer (seriously). NBA talking about the same thing. Finishing season in June and July. One thing I do not think will go well is teleschool/remote school. Whether they just ignore it and pass everyone on is another story.
  22. Getting hard to grasp all the things this can effect. Courts? Mail? Drivers Licenses? Taxes?
  23. Some areas may get into the mid 20's tonight but probably not Harrisburg.
  24. Eating establishments here are also packed. Road is a little less busy that normal. Just drove by an ice cream store and the line was out the door. People are apparently going out more thinking they are going to be ordered in soon. 4 counties in Eastern PA are about to go under recommended shut in.
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