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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. You are a coldinista with temps. LOL. Anything under 60 is chilly if the wind is blowing. We did walk about two miles ourselves this afternoon so after coming into the weekend with a terrible weather forecast it did not turn out too bad. We ended up with only .65" of rain all together. Those heavy bands many here got yesterday went north of me.
  2. I am actually glad we broke out in sun here. Grass is mowed, temps are great and the upcoming week looks quite chilly for April standards so needed a nice day like this. Feel bad for the folks east of me.
  3. The radar looks pitiful. It's 71 here now and cannot see any clouds to the west. Did see the zone forecast just south of me says snow Wed AM!
  4. I see a Wunderground report of 49 on the Adams/Franklin County line. We have spiked to 68 so it looks likely to make it. Low 80's in Western PA right now. That same phenomenon I reported a few months ago, where going about a thousand feet/one mile up into Cascade area turns into dense fog, is happening again. Its pretty cool. Clouds/fog hold at the top at the ridge then dissipate once you start down the west side.
  5. We are at 66 here. Sun has been out for about 2 hours. Not sure if we make it or not. Add the Sat Pic. Punch of dry air coming up west of the South Mountain Range. Its yard mowing time!
  6. Anyone hitting 70 today? If we get sun it will be a slam dunk here but the sun part is in question.
  7. I was going to say aren't highs around 20 just stories our grandparents tell?
  8. I am glad since it is not snow. Looks like Northeastern part of PA will be in steady rain a lot longer. Showers for us. I wish the sun would come out. Dreary weekends are especially depressing now.
  9. Looks like the LSV may be "not as rainy" for the afternoon...a chance for a walk or drive or something to get out.
  10. Wow. So many records this year. The snowfall total record is going to be hard pressed to be overtaken. When will we have a winter with less than 6" of snow again (MDT)? If not for Covid it would be bigger news but obviously not that important big picture.
  11. I am definitely concerned about the (possibly fleeting?) hope the Prez. News Conferences try to give. To me it would be more prudent to not scare but at least keep it serious and stop talking about opening the economy as a way to try and prop up the stock market.
  12. I think the guidance to spend some time away from the older population is the best thing to do now and probably for the next few months. That is a scary story.
  13. Thoughts with her. Why can she not get into a hospital? Is she in NY?
  14. Yes, though it does seem to change every day so its hard to predict out beyond a week. As I edited my last post I found the Twitter account of the guy she quoted and she was off some on how she stated it. A lot of that going around. But seems he is saying if the UK stays with social distancing for a while it will be the lower number if interpreted correctly. If they had not gone with social distancing, which they were not going to, it would have been 500K.
  15. Just hope she is right. Apparently the info she stated was misinterpreted by her so I am worried. "Apparently" the person that made that model came out after her speech and said she misunderstood and is still calling for 500K deaths in the UK but a look online does not show that statement so not sure what to believe. I can say one thing. This is the election for Trump as he continues down this "Open the Country" path. The news out of NY and LA is not good but he could be right that it is just going to be hot spots but if he is wrong the nation is about to get to hell and his chances of election will go with it. Edit-I think any of the apocalyptic totals will be shown to be over done. It's similar to all of us looking at the highest snow total and thin king "It could happen". I am surprised there has been so much talk of these models through the whole pandemic. I did find the guy who did the model and his explanation is that the 500K was with no social distancing. If the UK stays with the social distancing plan (I think it is though much of April but not sure) then it would be the lower number.
  16. Listening to Dr. Birx talk about models not adding up to reality on the ground made me think about our whole last winter as it pertained to GFS LR forecasts.
  17. We had some big white parachutes mixed in when the rain came down.
  18. I like to see his battles with reporters. The stuff before that is usually just repetitive self admiration. On the subject of weather MDT did officially record a trace yesterday...matching their February totals.
  19. I have mostly looked at him as a puppet for people controlling him from behind. Like sending Grandpa up to be the family Patriarch while the real leaders run the show in the background. Problem is Grandpa runs at the mouth. And why do we need a stimulus now if we are close to opening everything back up again? Sure people will have missed 2-3 weeks of work but not sure we need to put a huge dent in our future SS for that.
  20. No doubt. My statement was made in jest. A case can be made at this point that he is incompetent and unfit to continue leading. His laissez faire like approach to this weeks ago has limited the effectiveness of what we are doing now and he has come full circle back around to being on that train again. There is more than anecdotal evidence that he changed his mind about the virus again after watching a Foxnews show on Sunday AM. I do not know what will happen with this virus but messages like his, last evening, are not helping when just hours before more Governors are cracking down on their states, VA is cancelling schools for the rest of the year, and WHO is warning that the US is going to be the next epicenter. Most experts think April is going to be terrible so Trump should cool his heels and wait before making proclamations.
  21. He truly should be an inspiration to many that anyone can be President.
  22. Well trump said we should get ready to open it up again. No hard, no foul. Get back to work everyone. Forget everything he said the last week.
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