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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. That is the thing. I think most here look at Trumps comments (for the last month plus) and mostly just a guy trying to give out suggestions and a little off kilter but there are so many people in our country who listen to him like he is the person who knows best and follows what he says...its hard to imagine as many of us seem to carry more of what we would call common sense but for every one of us there is someone who will take info differently and may act on it. The makers of Lysol had to come out and make a statement.
  2. I was just finishing up my morning Windex shake while laying in my tanning bed. I cannot get enough UV Rays right now. I threw out all my sunscreen so it does not lead to me getting Covid. And I stick with my my thought that this ugly weather is coming at a terrible time when we most would like the freedom to get out and enjoy nature.
  3. Ironically last nights press conference was on sunny days.
  4. Let's have a presser on how much rainy days help to clean covid off shared outside surfaces.
  5. In reading the order I do not think it is as bad as it may sound but its not good for the eastern 1/2 to 1/3 of the state either. I think a lot of people assumed some openings would be coming May 8th and that does not sound likely though some construction can now resume on May 1. Small Businesses are going to need more free money to come back and survive.
  6. Below average summer would be perfect. Sunshine, 70's, lemonade, sitting with people finally, baseball, apple pie, fireworks. Snow in late April and May is so bad that the sun angle folks will not even waste time with a reply about that side of it. LOL I think Blizz wants off the schneid and for this not to be the worst winter snowfall wise in MDT history (season not Met winter) but I say lets keep the record and buy t-shirts that we lived through it.
  7. You should probably change your password. Apparently you have been Blizzacked.
  8. Spring Reversal....between March 1 and April 10 we only had 6 days below seasonal norms at MDT. Since April 10 we have had 11 of the next 12 days below Seasonal norms. So only 6 out of 40 below followed by 11 out of 12 below.
  9. Another bad weekend possible....just terrible timing but as has been mentioned a lot we do not seem to have much in the way of spring as of late. Windy, chilly and wet.
  10. Wow, I missed a lot of Covid talk. My opinion is that we are all friends here and we can discuss if we do not insult. I thinks its therapeutic, right? Lots of us have either acknowledged job issues (I have my own, I am looking for something locally but not a good time to be looking) or know friends or family with job or health issues...helps to tell other friends even if just to get it off ones chest. I realize this is a weather board but this is a pretty crazy situation.
  11. I think the $600 is a forgone conclusion. My wife was laid off and it took a month for her regular benefits to start but this week or next everyone who was approved for UC will get $600/wk starting April 3rd and they will be back paying it to that date. I mean this whole $600/wk is a whole issue because it pays for people to stay home if they make less than $50K a year. People on UC will be getting more than people working in grocery stores and such.
  12. But it closely matches the Euro so stay alert :-). You are in the game.
  13. Yea, many of these conferences over the last month have shown people standing on a stage together. Federal and state.
  14. Nam continues to advertise something in N PA is going to get a big April snow.
  15. If this gets too bad there will have to be some type of universal income for all. There is this but doubt this becomes reality: https://www.businessinsider.com/americans-would-receive-2000-a-month-under-house-democrats-plan-2020-4
  16. Just to add to you point I think most here respect most others opinions. You will sometimes seem an anti Trump slant from me and that is less about his policies or such and more about the way he pats himself on the back and uses the press conferences to his advantage for things not related to covid. We do have to be careful about situations where most of the population is following one rule and a small part is not and it turns into fights in grocery stores. Cuomo just announced NY is now to May 15th so I believe PA will have the same number at the afternoon conference.
  17. In what may be my last snow map of the season the 0Z EC is much further south with the Friday bowling ball, vs. Nam and GFS, and does snow a period of quite heavy wet snow in northern PA. Similar to the comment from Mag and route 80.
  18. Seems every time I open my mouth and post a model which in most winters would normally lead to something all the hot air coming out pushes everything north. Several tiems this year even myself down here was under a swatch of 2 or more inches of digital snow and nothing feel. Could get into the 20's tonight...a parting gift from winter 29-20.
  19. Congrats on the snow. Turning out to be a "snowy week" spring wise for PA. Hopefully northern half gets more tomorrow.
  20. I saw the movement and Wolf announced he is going to veto it. Will be interesting to see what some of the governors say when Trump states that some states should open the doors next week. His advise will not apply to large gatherings just small business retail and some corporate stuff. Large gatherings are off the table for a long time. I wonder if theme parks open at all this year. Maybe...but how can they open if they say no sporting events or concerts this year.
  21. Sounds like Trump is going to recommend the Wyoming's and Idaho's of the world to start opening up some (tomorrow). The businesses I am involved with keep hearing Tom Wolf is aiming for May 20th in PA.
  22. On the subject of deaths it sounds like about the same amount today (did not see exact amount) but they just said that half of the overall deaths have occurred at nursing homes. That is an important figure that I think needs mentioned. Does not make the virus any less dangerous but all data should be presented to be fair as to how its affecting all parts of the state.
  23. I was mostly looking at the zones showing temps staying at or near 50 into the weekend with on and off rain. Tomorrow may not break 45. If its not windy it will not be too bad. Most of my disdain is pointed toward the ugly Friday and Saturday forecast.
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