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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. First Call Friday storm...could feature schools being closed a second day in a row (most schools in Franklin County are closed today). Mag, Bubbler, Cashtown- 3-4" Carlisle, Canderson, Atomic, Sauss- 2-3" Nut, Itstrainingtime, Daxx, 2001KX, Voyager- 1-2" Wmsptwx-Trace to 1"
  2. It has definitely been a month with a wintery feel to it. No big snows but several small to moderate. It's too bad Friday storm could not be one with more atmospheric upwelling as catching a PV retreating is the perfect time to get the best of both worlds with moisture and temp.
  3. I hope you and MDT make it...more historic if MDT makes it.
  4. I see you guys mentioning the coastal influence or high qpf near the shore...the UK posted earlier also had similar look.
  5. ...and to me the additional tack on significance is that possibly for the first time since the November storm, surface temps are not going to be an issue though intensity may be. 2 or3" of snow starting Friday Am could actually cancel schools at these temps. The Nam and the "Model for which we do not speak of" both show it snowing for about 6 hours.
  6. And the consistency of the storms location, Lower Ohio Valley to Interior Northeast or transfer to the Upper MA Coast, has been pretty amazing. We have had so many since late November, probably over 1/2 dozen, that it is hard to imagine what it would be like if that same thing had happened but with a track through the Lower Tennessee Valley and off the Lower MA coast. We would be challenging 75" of snow by now.
  7. I cannot ever recall a temp drop like what we all experienced today but I am sure my memory is failing me and we had one at some point. And as to my trash can, I am the dummy who has it sitting west side of house and once it gets knocked over and the lid opened it starts flipping with wind like this. I am about 10% up a mountain and there is nothing to my west except lowland into Maryland so it is a wind tunnel. Plus I think this makes me the first trash can post of the day @canderson
  8. I do not have an anemometer but I am guessing sustained is over 30mph here right now with gusts in the 50-60 range. I just had to walk several yards down to get my trash can back. It is not just a regular round can it is one of those ~100 gallon boys on wheels and the wind below it about an acre away.
  9. If it cannot be cold and snowy let's enjoy a warm day or two. LOL. If we do not get some blocking we are going to lose the first 1/2 of February. It has "seemed" cold this month but we are actually facing departures near 2 degrees + now. Today and tomorrow will dent that back but starting off February so warm we risk have all 3 months of Met winter being positive departures.
  10. FV3 has had this storm being more South East twice now. Let's hope it is right otherwise we are in for two weeks of 50's and 60's with rain rotating between slight cool downs. Need something to force those lows south of us.
  11. So if one is going to attack Harrisburg from the sky they must stay below 10,000 feet and in they go.
  12. FV3 keeps trying to bring back that Feb 7th and 8th storm. GFS will have none of it with temps in the 50's and 60's. These totals include this coming Friday.
  13. It really seemed to blossom as it came through Central Franklin and Adams county. The 20 dBz blob has doubled in size as it continued south and I suspect we see some accident reports out of Frederick and they get a full inch out of this. I suspect the higher temps here had a role in it. Here is Frederick right now. https://chart.maryland.gov/video/video.php?feed=ccffd39d00a000e90056fa36c4235c0a
  14. Tapering off here. Impossible to measure especially with blowing snow but roofs are covered again so somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2" in a matter of 15 min. Most impressive thing was the temp...dropped from 26 to 16 in less than 20 min.
  15. I can certainly see how this would cause accidents. Road is already covered. Just took min's.
  16. White out here. Can just see the neighbors house....a few hundred feet at the most.
  17. Temps spiking here as the "squall line" nears. Up 3 degrees in the last 30 min.
  18. Just saw this posted in MA. Impressive. Could we see a snow funnel cloud (kidding, sort of).
  19. Blizz, I would gladly give up this 2-3" if the rest of the GFS, and its 5-6" of rain over the next 10 days, can also be thrown out!
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