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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Just surprised it is not light snow. It is still snow in areas of MD to your south with light rates...still snowing here in fact and I an west of the first mountain range. But like I said I remember some people having this discussion 15 years ago centered around why State College seemingly changes over so quickly.
  2. Check out this panel. Did not notice this much before but it is saying there is going to be a sleet bomb north of Harrisburg tonight.
  3. Saw this before and wanted to comment...surprised it is that warm above up there but I seem to remember State College always turns fast in these situations.
  4. Hard to be sure but between radar and the HRRR I would say light frz and sleet until 6-7PM when it starts coming down in earnest. As @CarlislePaWx has been posting, verbatim it shows a massive ice storm for much of the LSV but I still think temps may be too warm for too much issue. We shall see. When we lose the sun it will help the ice accretion if any.
  5. I basically am reporting the same thing except it is up to 29 here. As I suspected Team Western Elevation (me) is probably not going to have to worry about tonight If it is up to 31 or 32 at sunset I doubt it drops any. Going back over the part of the driveway I did an hour ago shows about .10 of sleet/snow mix so a little accum still going on.
  6. Out shoveling and still accumulating big large flakes but see some rimmed stuff in the mix and probably some pellets.
  7. I think our next chance is actually 7 days from now:-). Will have to endure a run at 60 on Sunday first.
  8. Based on a quick read of the MA Ob's fourm we have entered the "Age of the Herpsderps".
  9. Starting to lighten up here. About 6" so guessing I will end up between 6 and 7 from this phase.
  10. Will be interesting how cold it really is and how it affects the public who at 2PM will assume...snow stopped? Storm over. Moderate rain and 28 is going to be like a second winter storm in one day. Moderate rain and 32 will be a non event for roads at least.
  11. 26/23 here with Sn+ maybe even ++. 5" as rates are pushing or exceeding 2/hr right now.
  12. HRRR really brings the icy terror mostly between 6PM and 10PM tonight. Probably overdone but 1/2" ice for much of Adams and a good portion of Cumberland based on the coloring. The numbers shown are not placed where the most ice is progged.
  13. That has been my feeling as well though where I am I am most prone to rise. I think east of the mountains is in for some ice late this afternoon. Unfortunate that we will lose this pack so fast the next few days.
  14. Yea but I would bet it builds a little back. Heavy stuff seems to be out of here around lunch though. The band moving in near Hagerstown is going to drop 2-4" by itself for anyone that lines up ino the widest part.
  15. I think all in the LSV are good until mid afternoon. Whether that is 1:30 or 3:30 that is above my paygrade!
  16. Had 3" at 10 and closing in on 4" now so so looking at 1.3" per hour as to the recent stuff.
  17. That is my feeling in that, at least with this first batch, we do not see a lot of sleet or FRZ and the snow or whatever custs off 2-3ish. I am worried that modeled temps are too low and the second batch that comes by this evening is going to be rain with surface temps in the 20's.
  18. Thanks for posting. I agree that the line is not an end all for us. 850 Line is still way south and modeled 700MB line should stay south until 1ish.
  19. Probably where it is sleeting right now. @Cashtown_Coop, where do you think the line is with Radarscope?
  20. You do not have to pray for the snow anymore...our prayers have been answered.
  21. I thought I heard some thunder but not totally sure...it was off in the distance. I see reports of Thunder about 10 miles to my south. This is defintely the most dynamic and quickly evolving storm of the season near the Mason-Dixon.
  22. Yea, should start any moment. I am looking to break 6" before lunch. LOL
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