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About Bubbler86

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Pen Mar, MD/Rouzerville, PA.

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  1. I like this better than the rgem but is complicated.
  2. @DDweatherman called it. Jersey Shore mauler. We are miller'ed.
  3. Gas has the low in central GA. A far cry from the m/d.
  4. We shall see...and not trying to poo-poo, just disecting. It was close. I personally do not do well with a low that is already near the m/d moving most eastward. You are a little more shielded and north. If we had more cold before hand I would feel better.
  5. Yea we can change back but we are starting with less than ideal conditions. I like the look for the ai euro better or a less amped rgem.
  6. Icon with a major deamp of the 18z. Slow start like was mentioned.
  7. Anything going just under us from the west is a big risk for all souther pa. We do well with a more Miller A type track. Low former too early for my liking in the rgem. I think I definitely change over with that verbatim.
  8. 993 over Jersey hammering much of eastern pa. May be wet for eagles.
  9. Even closer call for pa southers. Low getting amped and riding close for comfort.
  10. Rgem lining up with an early forming Vort as before. Sunday white out.
  11. He passed Jagr for the most goalies scored against at 189. 2 SO's in row for Thompson.
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