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Everything posted by frd

  1. 5 tornado warnings at this time. First time in my life I have seen that in these partsm even in tropical storms.
  2. Might be getting a + PNA in early June, not a very common thing in these parts lately. The heat should at leas be kept at bay.
  3. Going to be very active and deep into November as well.
  4. I believe so. Also interesting is that research shows it means your soil is healthy. Today I see zero mushrooms.
  5. Do you have mushrooms in your lawn? I have hundreds. Crazy year. Little sun and always showers.
  6. Nitrogen is key to a fig tree producing fruit. The fig tree may also require trace minerals and a rather large area under the tree canopy free of grass, but covered with straw to prevent nitrogen run off and to keep a balance of soil moisture. Here is a good link FYI. The title below seems that the article is only about nitrogen, but it is a much broader article in general. https://www.growveg.com/guides/how-to-fertilize-fruit-trees/#:~:text=Once young trees find their,but this method has drawbacks.
  7. Mine too. I added cow manure recently will give more fruit late in the season. Apply straw mulch as a top dressing to keep moisture in the soil, but also prevent the heat when it gets to 90 and above. Early in the season they say by hitting the lower bark it signals the fig to wake up from its winter slumber.
  8. What is your current thinking about the weekend rainfall ? WPC seems to have the heaviest rains West of I 95. It is getting dry out there.
  9. It's over. Really, talk about upcoming hurricane season. Atlantic Ocean is very warm already.
  10. For the 6 th year in a row the weeklies sucked. LR Models can not predict HL events, nor the NAM stae, modeling can not predict the AO or the NAO far in advance. Modeling may be able to handle the warm seasons, but when cold is forecasted best to not believe it. This winter was the final straw.
  11. Looking at the data on Stratobserve there seems to be some changes going on mid to late month. These changes may cause the long range ensembles to improve in the next few days to colder and snowier scenarios for our area. Will be interesing to monitor.
  12. It would be a bummer with the end of the month pattern not to score an all snow event for my area and @CAPE . But, I get it. Even @psuhoffman mentioned some frustrations with temps. I will remain optimistic. Hopefully things get active ( snowy ) and you can offer your valued insights.
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