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Everything posted by frd

  1. Just got back from taking a walk with the dog in this wonderful weather, love it ! Measured about 3.25 inches here so far with very light snow still falling.
  2. Some AFDs were as of a few days ago calling this storm and the predicted snowfall to be a generational snow event. I imagine in some areas it truly is. Add the time of year, and it is an epic.
  3. Mentioned this earlier about the role of the PV. Looking at this view you can certainly see how it crushes the storm from making a significant move North.
  4. Busy at work just checking in, I thought the Euro was going move North. Still seems firm in a Southern solution but what got my attention is something I hardly see mentioned , at least in this case as to why the storm is staying South. I mean I heard the about the NS vorts, the confluence, high pressure and the western ridge too but then I came across some sort of involvement with the SPV . HM was mentioning the " The trough down 60W is part of the full vortex and all of its associated cyclones in the troposphere." Seems that when you look at the SPV in 3D you can see this better. This is the first time I read about this and the 3D look at the vortex really adds a nice visual depicting how it can be formed in odd shapes and changes in height, for example it can be whole at the upper levels and split like a pair of pants at the bottom. You can see it better below in the animations or visit the thread as I don't want to post too many of these. There is involvement here with the pattern and the storm and this is acting a untraditional block I think I guess this sums it up here from HM , " Looking at the big picture, this isn't the most ideal way to slow down the "50-50 low" and suppress a coastal storm (North Atlantic blocking is the best recipe for that). However, you can visualize how this full structure would help to slow down the tropospheric-portion somewhat"
  5. Not good news . Might need to do sod now under the trees , or my wife will kill me .
  6. What, if any consequences does this have for high lattitide blocking in October and even beyond, in and around this region ? Also, recently looking at the SST changes in the Gulf Of Alaska they are rising . Would any of this warmth cause and or re-inforce a + PDO in developing in the month(s) ahead.
  7. I have a question in the lawn thread second one to the bottom, can you check it out and tell me what you think please > It's about grass and watering , Thanks !
  8. It does stink when you are a gardener .
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