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Everything posted by frd

  1. In hindsight wasted so much time on Monday nights ....... I have no expectations about this coming winter and feel great because of it. After this winter's failure how do you even put faith back on the table?
  2. Are you really concerned ? Certainly my eggplants are waiting for the 80's to take off. Mount Holly now has me at 46 degrees this Tuesday AM. Tomorrow night near dusk might get a windchill ....... LOL
  3. Its out there in time , but wondering whether we see rainfall from the developing tropical disturbance 91L in a week or more. This links shows you the possible progression of the system and the movement of rainfall. https://blog.weather.us/tropical-disturbance-91l-to-bring-another-round-of-rain-to-the-southern-plains-this-week/
  4. BWI: 97 DCA: 98 IAD: 96 RIC: 102 Tiebreaker HGR: 96
  5. Looking forward to the crisp and cool airmas on this Monday and Tuesday. Winds pretty gusty tomorrow though.
  6. @showmethesnow one last thing too about extreme heat in the near term. I think before we see any 95 + degree and long duration heat waves we will need to dry out the areas to our far West and SW , it has been very wet. And for the time being it will remain wet.
  7. Reflected on some aspects of this in the June discussion thread showme. Good post ! Agree warmest temps relative to average, and longest duration warmth may indeed happen in the August to even October period. Also feel we are prone to an above average hurricane threat, indirect or otherwise, during the period early September to mid October . Yeah, not saying much as it is the seasonal peak, but could be interesting given the pattern and the expected very warm SSTs in the SW Atlantic and along the Mid Atlantic surf zones.
  8. The cold pool in the NW Atlantic has only become even more remarkable. Spoke about this a few weeks ago as well. The AO and the NAO have been negative and the SOI today is negative yet again. Seems the first half of June is near normal hopefully temp-wise. At the least hopefully not extreme heat. Some experts state the tropical forcing favors continued high lattitude blocking until mid- June , but potentially could last longer. Where was this in winter? Many seasonal forecasts call for the the highest temps relative to normal in occur August to September, we will see. That has happened alot this decade, and based on the warm SW Atlantic , would think the warmest temps relative to average do happen this September and October. A question to ponder is the current cold pool in the NW Atlantic, some informed weather pros have mentioned this is a signal for a winter 2020 negative NAO. I even came across some research that stated AGW is causing the winter NAO to be positive, I have not heard that one before.
  9. My bad, sorry, I did not mean for that video to take up valuable space here, it was meant for banter.
  10. @mappy I am guessing you missed the majority of the storms mappy ? I think you are located near the PA and MD line out West, and at the recent Southern boundary of the most active severe weather in PA, is that right ? One thing for sure, I did get a lot of rain yesterday, and I missed a warned celll to my South by a few miles.
  11. Townsend/Warwick aera... Delaware to my South getting hit pretty good right now. To this day still figuring out why so many nasty storms miss to my South , maybe the canal ( C & D ) and waterway, not sure.
  12. It sure has mappy. In my region last night I watched the movement of a radar indicated tornado in Cumberland county, NJ. as it tracked SE across extreme SW New Jersey. This morning I discovered it must have maintained itself or touched down again further SE over the waters near Fortescue, NJ. A fishing boat captain took this photo. Pretty cool image right there.
  13. Great insights, thanks .....With all the media coverage by the local news networks, at least in my viewing area last evening, a lot of folks are on edge. Accu-weather was doing detailed play by play on hail cores, trajectories, rotations and other cool visuals. I enjoyed watching it. Its been a while where there have been several days in a row of severe weather in my parts, let alone tornadoes, water spouts and baseball size hail up North.
  14. Looking at the radar over the Midwest at this time and the general complex's movement I would agree that just around DC., and to it's North would be in for the goods later. And wow to the rainfall potential as well. I actually wonder if some rogue storms hit early near and around Baltimore before the main show later.
  15. In regards to what you were saying @mappy about watches .... I had several Bradford pear trees I had went down a couple years ago, in a storm that did not have even have a warning, quick moving discrete cell, estimated winds of over 70 mph. In 30 years only a few watches for my area yielded a severe event. But, I understand and appreciate the reasoning with watches, and it is always best to be prepared. We are talking life, loved ones and property here. Kudos the the NWS and the SPC for what they do.
  16. Things may be moving faster than anticipated - implications for later Area Forecast Discussion National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 657 AM EDT Tue May 28 2019 .NEAR TERM /UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING/... 630 AM Update...The decaying MCS is moving through the area faster than expected. This may lead to an increased severe weather threat later this afternoon and evening. Otherwise, the forecast is on track.
  17. Missed the heavy storms that went South of me on weekend but this line should make it here. Seems to be getting stronger as it move East.
  18. Interesting comment by HM about yesterday's severe event . I believe it is directed at his area, but worth reading over regardless.
  19. Looking at Sunday do you think there is at least potential, even if not severe, for rainfall in the Northern parts of the sub forum including my area and the Eastern Shore ? Thanks ( and those photoshopped amateurs need to at least pick more realistic "fake " photos to use )
  20. That is saying a lot. Remember that like it was yesterday. Sounded like a freightr train for a good 15 minutes , took down countless 50 to 200 feet Pines on the road in front of our development. Took many days to recover in regards to tree clean-up, and getting power to those who did not have underground electric hook-up. Interesting the enhanced area today, to a degree today fizzled, where as the slight risk become the real deal. Maybe the heating, and more sun, not sure.
  21. Props to @high risk Good job ! He said the line would intensify for some areas and it did so. Some pretty impressive wind gusts and damage reports comming in now for areas far to my SW.
  22. For Northern Delaware the incoming line dissapated, maybe a trace of rain at my location. What a dissapointment. Looks like Philly got hit and you guys from Baltimore SW got it good. So then continues the now growing dry spell for the majority of the Northern 1/3 of the Delmarva.
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