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    Middletown, DE

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  1. Great post by Tomer on the pattern evolution going forward. I like it ! mentions the word snow .... https://x.com/burgwx/status/1870246071852572678
  2. Well, with the cup 1/2 full, ratios would be much higher.
  3. All we can ask is being in the game.
  4. Big changes start during this time frame as alluded to you and @CAPE https://x.com/bamwxcom/status/1869713225148686705
  5. Canada is also well above normal with some of their anomalies in excess of 30 degrees above normal. That indicates no further cold intrusions for the U.S. for the foreseeable future.
  6. Euro 18Z https://x.com/BradyBGWX/status/1869170215990469060
  7. Cloudy here, thought the forecast was mostly sunny.
  8. From BAMM WX, explanation regarding the Euro AI outcome. https://x.com/bamwxcom/status/1866927389604995170
  9. Not looking good, and when it gets colder in early 2025 Tomer states the pattern only supports a clipper in the East. Tomer states similiar to the early December pattern with below normal temps, but also below normal precip. https://x.com/webberweather/status/1865454685676806338 https://x.com/webberweather/status/1865454685676806338
  10. Annual Christmas period warm up may not happen this year. Would break tradition going back many years. Most encouraging is the pattern forecased later month, but even more is not seeing the rapid rise in the AO and snow cover is not going to be eroded in the source regions such as in years past.
  11. As for the AO, it has been closer to normal, at times going negative. I am more concerned with the Pac for our chances of cold and snow in the Mid.Atlantic.
  12. By that time we here in the lowlands are in a better climo spot.
  13. If that happens you can kiss Jan good bye. Once the Western Canadian souce region is scoured of cold air it will take weeks for the entire process to reverse. Of course speculation, but persistance the last 5 to 7 years. Have to wee if Webb is correct about Jan. I could less about the-NAO and the -AO its all about the +PNA/ +TNH.
  14. Does the Euro bias of burying energy in the SW still exist after all these years ?
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