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Northern Foothills Snowman

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Everything posted by Northern Foothills Snowman

  1. It would be nice to see one more snow before spring. You mentioned the MJO in favorable phases , which they have been this winter. Don’t remember the last time we were in Phase 8,1 In the same winter. A lot of the recent winter have been spent in 4,5 and 6. Also you mentioned the AO, NAO and PNA. So which outranks which MJO or AO PNA and NAO? Or does the NAO and PNA and AO eventually follow suite with the MJO? Just trying to lean how this all works
  2. Not blasting you but Is this the same Euro that forecasted the northern half of NC getting plastered with a foot plus only to take it away a few runs later? The only snow we received last Wednesday in Surry con was light and never stuck.
  3. We are still not under anything in Surry Co. Even Boone has nothing No watch or anything. Our forecast is out Blacksburg Va and they are usually one of the last to issue anything.
  4. Now we go into phase 8 of MJO. About a month or so too late.
  5. Have an MJO question I’m curious about. JFM you want 1,2,3 &8 for cold phases. FMA they are the same. MAM has 1,2,3,4&8 as cold. So if MJO goes into 4 isn’t that a cold phase for March? Trying to understand this
  6. https://products.climate.ncsu.edu/weather/winter/results/?county=all&start_month=12&start_day=1&start_year=1992&end_month=3&end_day=31&end_year=1993&event[0]=snow Sentthe wrong one the first time.
  7. https://products.climate.ncsu.edu/weather/winter/results/?county=all&start_month=1&start_day=1&start_year=2018&end_month=12&end_day=31&end_year=2018&event[]=snow&pg=2 This one doesn’t show it. Above is what I was basing my comment on
  8. We didn’t have any snow December 92 and January February and March 93 until the blizzard happed.
  9. I’m is NC foothills near VA border. I have a question about the MJO. JFM has 1,2,3&8 as cold phases. FMA has the same cold phases. MAM has 1,2,3,4&7 as cold. so which one do we go by in March? Thansk.
  10. I’m 62 and I remember the snows in 70’s and 80’s on going winter storms. I remember we had 3 TV channels to watch back then.Channel 2 12 and 8 Channel 8 had a meteorologist named Frank Deal. He was the best at forecasting the snowstorms. I always liked his forecasts best because he would usually predict more than channel 2 and 12. Most of the time he was spot on too
  11. JB says rocking coast to coast til Easter after early March warm.
  12. https://www.pivotalweather.com/maps.php?ds=cpc You almost have to laugh at this map. Florida is cooler than most of the US 2/21-2/25
  13. I don’t know the ages of members on this site but I would venture to say many were not around in 1993.I remember it as we didn’t receive any snow that winter before March.We had warm temperatures in February too. My wife and I went to Maryland valentines weekend that year. 40’s and rain at home but major snowstorm on 81 in Va.
  14. I may be wrong but I still believe winter weather will still happen in NC before winter is over and not just the mountains.
  15. It is absolutely crazy how in a week we went from a cold pattern and potential snow to warm up and rain. Wouldn’t it be something if in a week went back to what it was showing 7 days ago? The models are obviously horrible any more. just look at the storm the they just went north. I mean right up to storm start time models were still changing and they still were to low for some area.
  16. I agree. one thing curious about and I’ve not heard anyone talk about is the SOI index. it been - for 2 weeks and way - at times . Yesterday it was -46.54 today -39.53. Wondering if A- index have a bearing on the winter weather in the East?
  17. Also last month the cold on the 19th 20th we were in phase 5.
  18. https://products.climate.ncsu.edu/weather/winter/results/?county=all&start_month=1&start_day=1&start_year=1960&end_month=3&end_day=31&end_year=1960&event[0]=snow
  19. So we just throw in the towel in the 3rd quarter. I suppose nobody remembers March 93. This was before my time but any remember hearing about March 1960 snowing every WednesdayIt stayed cold and the snow didn’t melt. That winter was mild and the first snow didn’t fall until February. Just saying just like the Super Bowl Patriots vs Atlanta. It wasn’t over at 1/2 time.
  20. Could y’all share some of the snow to us in the foothill? We can see it snowing on fisher peak and mountain in Va but nothing here.
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