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Everything posted by 96blizz

  1. Just give me an inch on Christmas morning and I’ll be happy (not what she said).
  2. Okay so that’s intriguing. The SE ticks after the NW movement from the original solution were and are always predominant on coastals. Here too? Still learning this area...
  3. Actually it would be a frozen brown Christmas if we don’t get that post frontal miracle! Only thing worse than a green Christmas is a MUD Christmas.
  4. The GFS is SE again... So you’re saying there’s a chance!
  5. On the bright side- this is what I 95ers feel like. All. The. Time.
  6. Euro has the L right on top of ROC. yeah. L is right.
  7. With you man. It’s kinda the way this year has gone. Yesterday I drove to see my parents to exchange gifts but had to keep my distance and wear a mask. Driving home - rather down emotionally - I saw the models start the west trend and I’m like you have got to be kidding me!!!
  8. At this point if it snows enough to make it looks like winter - I’ll be happy.
  9. It corrected later and this looks the same. Ugh. Coal.
  10. 6z Euro is no better. What a swift kick in the nards...
  11. Let’s get a Christmas miracle and have them catch each other and phase in the perfect spot!
  12. What intrigues me here is the snow could be a complete plaster job given the fast swing from warm and wet to cold and white. The scene on Christmas morning could be out of a Hallmark card...
  13. Yep. Hell. Even if snow is falling while my two young boys are opening their gifts with Bing Crosby in I will be ecstatic! i already got what I wanted with the Dolphins winning and eliminating the Pats and the Jets winning and losing Lawrence!
  14. I feel like post frontal snows are often overdone. Need some tilt. that said, even 2-5” and some lingering snow falling on Christmas morning would be a welcome treat!!
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