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Everything posted by 96blizz

  1. I dunno. I like the 6-12” or so across the board. It’s a fast moving system and not a ratio driven system. I could see some 15” maxima at high elevations or some good Meso banding but I like the 8-12” warning for my nape of the neck.
  2. You’re the first ex nuke plant operator I’ve ever know. Fantastic cocktail hour fodder when they become a thing again.
  3. RGEM at the same timeframe. Low in the same spot but thermals obviously a huge difference.
  4. This. We could have back to back synoptic Winter Storm Warnings within 2 days of each other. That’s awesome! I had this in February of 2010 living in Philadelphia. Greatest week of snow of my life! https://weather.com/safety/winter/news/2020-02-04-february-2010-snowmageddon-snowstorms-washington-dc-baltimore-philly
  5. Exactly as I expected but they didn’t do “with locally higher amounts.” Lol
  6. NAM is def gonna have higher totals for most or all than 12z!
  7. NAM already correcting. Gonna be S and E of 12z. Shocking.
  8. They always tick back SE. It’s the rule. I would put big $ on the NAM with a big correction at 18 and 0z.
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