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Everything posted by 96blizz

  1. They are in NJ. She’s in an intermediate unit because we still don’t know the cause of the heart failure but it’s a major step!
  2. You guys are just awesome. I’m in tears. She’s not out of the woods but a huge step!!
  3. 2/2-2/3? Not sure where you ended up there but one of the biggest over performers I’ve experienced.
  4. What about Kuchera? I’m assuming you’re referring to the lesser known and used Mexican equivalent. La Cu Cuchara or “Cuchara” for short.
  5. So used to these storms from living in NJ and PHL. Comes in like a wall and then just light mixed. Always in faster and always done sooner than modeled. Get out in it y’all!
  6. Looks like the perfect thump to snizzle coming. 4-5 hours of insane snow coming for many of us! Enjoy!!
  7. All good. When I’m out at 1AM with a cold one and swallowing snow or rime - I won’t care which it is! Appreciate your contributions!! I still think it’s the classic Thump to Snizzle where you get 90% of your accumulation in like a 4-5 hour period and then have some leftover dry slotted snizzle to make the snow heavier to move when the hangover wears off.
  8. Indeed. HERPES always delivers. And sticks around a LONG time Its clear to me the NWS has early access to the Canadian models.
  9. 18z HERPES is awesome. Will post totals when done. Looks a lot like RGEM (as expected) and nothing like GFS.
  10. GFS both storms. The lake effect it’s showing behind storm 2 is impressive at this range.
  11. I will say from a lot of experience living in NJ and Philly that WAA snows often come in way faster than modeled. That may be part of what NWS BGM sees too. You don’t need many hours of rates like this on the RGEM to pile up really quick. Always used to call it the classic “Thump to Snizzle.”
  12. BGM stands strong. Shaved a little off south of here but still very similar to their 5:45AM update. Super high 8” plus percentages
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