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Everything posted by 96blizz

  1. 3/3 on the globals for a major snowstorm. Can’t ask for more at this range. Now we watch the swings from run to run!
  2. I’m a miserable Dolphins fan that’s rooting for you guys. Troll away!!!
  3. Don’t forget the 6z EPS had SEVERAL lows that looked like this. A lifetime to go but that was fun. …need a cigarette and I don’t smoke.
  4. 6z EPS has a lot of tucked solutions for the 17/18th. From another board so I didn’t lift and post.
  5. I spent 37 years living in NJ and I agree wholeheartedly. The right lake effect band with wind like tonight has no rival!
  6. Growing up in New Jersey, I’ve learned to have pause until the event is over.
  7. This was the 0z Canadian for Sunday AM posterity. The GFS doesn’t see it but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad at this range. With next weekend being a 3 day weekend for many, it would be fun!
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