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About Alpha5

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Upstate NY and SW Connecticut

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  1. 90's done for NYC? Were now past August 25th
  2. I think he's new, but I could be wrong
  3. Yes, but there are several inherent problems with doing this. First, you have to take the extreme position that GHG and AGW are direct threats to the survival of the human species, and that there is simply no way for us to adapt to a warmer planet. Secondly, in executing the 10 point plan you listed above, you begin to encroach on certain inalienable rights we have as American citizens (liberty, property, life, etc), which is why I view many people such as yourself as a threat to American society as we know it, and the reason people like Ron Paul are getting more popular.
  4. Thats fine. To each his own.....lets see what happens in the coming years
  5. Agree 100%. The alarmism in here is getting a little ludicrous
  6. i didn't get banned, just bored with the redundant discussion

  7. did you get banned from the climate change forum?

  8. Society is not you. Most people don't lose so many WW2 battles. You'd lose in any challenge between me and you, except for biggest loser of a job.

  9. Racial comment? Wow, good to see you're a classy guy. People like you are the bane of the earth, tread carefully or society will chew you up and spit you out.

  10. I know you'd like to watch. But you cannot. You are too greasy for us.

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