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About rxwxunc

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Mebane, NC

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  1. I just read they are opening the Dean Dome to anyone without a ticket due to the difficult travel conditions. It will be loud with mostly drunk students! I live 5 miles west of the 40/85 split which is basically at a standstill due to all the accidents otherwise I would go. Go Heels!!!
  2. Just got back from a walk in Mebane, in the 10 minutes I took to take of my boots and jacket and recharge my phone, the streets in my subdivision went from just wet to completely snow covered. I was hoping for an inch. I am close to 1.5 and it is still ripping!!
  3. After being in a lull an hour ago, I am finally in a really good band. Definitely an inch hour rates. Can’t see to the entrance of my sub division which is less than a quarter mile.
  4. Literally right on the Alamance/Orange county line. Hanging on the edge of a nice band. Moderate snow with descent size flakes coming down. Patio furniture getting covered.
  5. Mood flakes started to fall in Mebane
  6. My professor’s favorite saying is the devil is in the details. With these weak strung out systems, it is going to come down to poorly modeled mesoscale features which is ironically what the mesoscale models are supposed to iron out . This is like a car wreck I can’t look away from!
  7. HRRR fills moisture into central North Carolina sooner. Definitely different than the NAM. I got 0.4” last storm. I am really hoping I can break an inch!! How I miss the days growing up in Greensboro in the 70’s!
  8. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/22/2/waf986_1.pdf This article from AMS explains convection robbing or enhancing upstream QPF well. We need a low level jet to orient convection north to south to push more moisture north. If the convection moves too fast west to east then there is very little northward moisture transport like the current NAM is showing.
  9. To paraphrase the last line if the movie Chinatown, “Forget it Jake. It’s the 48 hour HRRR.”
  10. Just got back from a mile long walk around my neighborhood. Minus a frozen face (19 degrees) it was pretty. Moderate to light snow. Roads covered. Weird to say that the roads looked better in the snow than the lawns. I am enjoying this considering I was expecting nada when I left the house this morning!! .
  11. Light flurries just started in Mebane, NC .
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