This is going to be nearly impossible to complete. Changelog.....
Level of Difficulty = " * "
Added global geo search bar *
Fixed problem with duplicated search bar requested resulting in reply of null. (SDK 1.8.4) ***
Remove lightning strikes from severe group. (SDK 1.8.4 breaks this feature). **
Added custom ANIMATED lightning strikes using MapsGL Shader. *****
Added button to layers panel for custom lightning strikes. **********
Reorganized buttons and groups in layer panel. ****
Fixed problem with occasionally inconsistent button and group placement in layer panel. ****
Reconfigure alerts to use traditional NWS color fill. *****
Moved alerts below areoway-line. ***
Alert stroke, fill, color and opacity adjusted and are programmatically adjustable. ****
Fixed issue with alerts flashing white at end of animation. ***
Fixed issue with satellite, etc. preventing animation reload upon activation/deactivation. These are now static images... animation automatically re-enabled upon close. ****
Update and optimize multiple JAVA SCRIPT SDK versions to co-exist with minimal conflict and other issues. (using JAVA SCRIPT SDK 1.3.5 and 1.5.2) ****
Added Storm Threats Info panel option programmatically. Soon to be selectable between info panel and storm panel via button controls. **
Added custom intellistar button link. **
Re-styled auxiliary buttons. *
Updated timeline (animation) control time frames (max -12 hours to NOW) **
Updated timeline animation speed. ***
Reconfigure default time line selection to -2 hours. **
Adjusted opacity, fill, stroke, size, color for all layers. ****
Reconfigure layer loading order. **
Reconfigure listing order of data inspector. ***
Added "Feels Like" menu item to the data inspector (combination of wind chill and heat index data in a single element) *
Added storm cells and storm reports to data inspector. ****
Fixed issue with missing layer info in data inspector upon zoom in. (All versions of JAVA SCRIPT SDK versions 1.4.X have this issue) ***
Added latitude and longitude variables to html address for intellistar geo location purposes. ***
Added storm cell and lightning heat maps to layers and layer panel buttons. *
Added location to default info panel. *
Added animated earthquakes. ***
Reduced width of geo search bar. *
Far too many things to list. But I will work on it. TBC.